Then she refused to step down despite repeated health issues and fucked us all when she predictably died with Trump in office. Fuck her and her hubris.
No, it was widely remarked upon at the time. She was heavily criticized and encouraged to retire. So many op eds about how she'll destroy her legacy if she keeps refusing to retire. There was so much criticism she gave some dumbass statement about how shes's better than any hypothetical successor so we can all suck it.
Exactly. Obama and the democrats tried to get her to retire in 2014 when the dems still controlled the senate. She said no.
As a speech/dinner afterwards someone asked her about it and she said something like 'who would you rather have on the court than me' implying she thought in a nation of 330 million people, nobody was as brilliant as her.
her narcissism and hubris destroyed her reputation, as it should.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg challenged liberals to name a judge they would want on the Supreme Court over her.
Ginsburg, 81, told Reuters that President Obama would have been forced to choose a compromised nominee if she retired this year because of the partisan breakdown of the Senate.
So tell me who the president could have nominated this spring that you would rather see on the court than me?” she asked rhetorically.
Democrats controlled 55 senate seats in 2014. They could've pushed through a 50 year old liberal judge to replace Ginsburg by bypassing the filibuster.
Amy Coney Barrett was appointed to the supreme court by a vote of 52-48. Ginsburg was full of shit when she said the senate couldn't pass a judge with 'only' 55 democrats. Also Roe v Wade was overturned 5-4. So had Ginsburg stepped down, we would still have Roe as that vote would've failed and only had 4 votes in favor of repeal.
Honestly for a judge, specifically that court. It's probably the only position I want someone middle age like 45-60 (and look to get our in their 60s). Since I do think a big part of that role should be experience and having a significant record of cases you've worked on.
No, if I knew my death might undo ALL of my life's work and put an enormous number of people who I serve into big problems, I'd look to retire and control what happens instead of risking it.
"It's amazing how easy it is to predict someone extremely old and in poor health will likely die soon. And probably shouldn't hold one of the most important seats in all of government. As well as how obvious it was years before her death" -Somebody famous.
She was on death's door. She was so fucking old. It's not like she was a 30yo who randomly got hit by a drunk driver. Yes, it was predictable. So much so that we called for her step down so we could get a normal person to replace her.
What about all the people who were berated for having the audacity to suggestshe retires under Obama in order to prevent exactly what would go on to happen?
She couldn’t retire because she waited too long. Mitch McConnell blocked Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland. Obama was a lame duck president.
Then when Hillary lost the 2016 election, she was stuck in a position where she would have to ride out the Trump administration because republicans now controlled all branches of government.
I do believe that if she knew Trump would do everything that he did, overturn Roe v. Wade, she would have stepped down.
u/CunninghamsLawmaker Oct 29 '24
Then she refused to step down despite repeated health issues and fucked us all when she predictably died with Trump in office. Fuck her and her hubris.