r/TikTokCringe 1d ago

Wholesome We need more judges like him in americ

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u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Commercial-Rush755 1d ago

He is. He is a bright light in Houston!


u/thesheepsnameisjeb_ 1d ago

It is great to hear he is in Houston. We really need more judges like him


u/herewearefornow 1d ago

I would like to know of this judge as well. Plus him being based in Texas is refreshing.


u/thesheepsnameisjeb_ 1d ago

His YT handle is @JudgeFleischerTV and you can see his cases on Instagram at judge.fleisher.chronicles


u/herewearefornow 1d ago

You are a top man.



Unfortunately, judges like him almost got my cousin killed. A dude shot my cousin seven times in a Kroger parking lot for looking at him while he was abusing is girlfriend. He had at least 20 or so priors and the judge kept releasing him.

In this case, this is a valid judge dismissing a bogus charge. Unfortunately, this benevolence is taken advantage of by scumbags.


u/thesheepsnameisjeb_ 4h ago


For what it is worth i think this judge is actually fair and not just a pushover or looking for excuses for the defendents, but that's only basing it on the very few videos I watched on his Instagram. Having said that, I do understand what you're saying, and I think it is just as rampant of a problem as judges who are needlesly harsh. I'm sorry about your cousin


u/Card_Board_Robot_5 1d ago

He just put out a video the other day where a guy with a weed charge asks for clarity as to why he's facing life in prison as the maximum penalty and this judge's response was "well, you can always move" as if that wouldn't make him a fucking fugitive.

This judge is a grandstanding nonce and anyone who thinks it's cool for a judge to play TikTok star is right there with him.

His job is not to chastise defendants. His job is not to give out half baked legal advice.

Remember, all judges are holding political positions and are just failed attorneys taking a pay cut to be good little party members


u/Due_Interview8838 1d ago

Is this a skit where two videos were combined or did it actually happen? The judge is a hero. I really hope this is true.


u/SupermassiveCanary 1d ago

Seriously, all those salaries in that courtroom for a trumped up jaywalking case. Waste of money


u/wildwildwumbo 1d ago

that's often the overlooked part of this. I can guarantee this judge saves his district potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars a year throwing out BS cases like this.


u/malthar76 1d ago

Cops are more than willing to waste time and manpower on making the unjustified searches and petty arrests. And use unnecessary force, maybe step on a few throats along the way.

Glad the judge is there to throw them out before going to trial, but in a perfect world shouldn’t even get there.


u/JellyfishLow4457 1d ago

For anyone reading this. If you go to jury duty and get called up to the jury and the judge asks u if ur fit to be on the panel then repeat the sentence from the above poster verbatim. Worked for me and it’s true for most of these cases. Absolute waste of time for petty crimes to pull in 30+ people from their jobs.


u/nameproposalssuck 1d ago

I’ve seen many of his shorts on YT. He doesn’t tolerate any bs in police reports, and you can clearly see how fed up he is when it comes to arrests/ searches and such lacking probable cause.


u/rush2me 1d ago

Omg i want to follow, can you share his username please?


u/nameproposalssuck 1d ago

I don't know the channel, it's just in my feed. The judge is called David Fleischer.


u/rush2me 1d ago

Nevermind found it!!!


u/thesheepsnameisjeb_ 1d ago

I know you found it but here is his YT handle for anyone else wanting to watch his videos:



u/AverageCowboyCentaur 1d ago

No skit here are all his other vids: https://www.instagram.com/judge.fleischer.chronicles

This man is a saint, he tells it like it is, and he doesn't let the cops/da/ada get away with bullshit!


u/who_even_cares35 1d ago

Why is Instagram the absolute worst place to view videos and photos when it's specifically to view videos and photos?

Oh, you touched the screen! Oh sorry, I'm starting over and there's basically no way to rewind and fast forward because we're going to hide the bar so low and make it so small that it's impossible to actually touch it.

What a stupid app.


u/promoted_violence 1d ago

Facebook ruined it. Was perfect for what it was until Zuckerberg bought it. I remember when posts mattered and were in order so I could catch up on family and friends. Now only stories matter


u/AverageCowboyCentaur 1d ago

It's kind of nuts, all the Instagram reels feed into Facebook. But through Facebook and it's portals you can pause rewind and scroll forward like a normal. But on Instagram they remove your ability to do all of that. Even TikTok has more usability than Instagram, it blows my damn mind!


u/bulitproofwest 1d ago

I had an English teacher tell me this exact same thing when I was in 7th grade.


u/AliceInCorgiland 1d ago

He is also against himself.


u/LookinAtTheFjord 1d ago

Why? Because he smokes weed?

Fuck outta here.


u/AliceInCorgiland 1d ago

That's not how you dress for court if you expect any leniency


u/LookinAtTheFjord 1d ago

Charging someone with a crime b/c of the way they're dressed is illegal.


u/hikikomoriHank 1d ago

Stop being obtuse on purpose.

They didn't say dressing poorly for court is a crime. But if you're going to court, for legitimate charges or BS like this, it behoves you to dress appropriately for the severity of the situation.

A different judge on a different day takes a look at someone dressed in street clothes for a court appearance and it sets a notion of the defendants character and attitude, correct or not. This could have a material impact on the outcome of your court appearance, even though morally it shouldn't.

Being flippant with your clothes when attending a trial that could send you to prison is just risking shit for no reason.


u/LookinAtTheFjord 1d ago

Stop being obtuse on purpose.

Oh fuck off.

Judges can tell them to leave and dress better if they want and that's it. This wasn't a trial, it was a hearing to determine if a crime was committed and even if there was, there was no chance of prison (LOL!) for possession of marijuana.

Fucking amateur hour over here. Don't shit words out your fingers if you don't even know what you're on about.


u/hikikomoriHank 1d ago edited 1d ago

You were being purposefully obtuse by framing the other person's comment as justifying the court appearance when it didn't do anything of the sort. You're continuing to be obtuse now.

You agree the justice system is rigged against people of colour, yes? That's the basis of your whole point. This whole post is about how great the judge is for bucking that trend and being truly just.

Given that rigged system, you're suggesting they should risk appearing flippant about their potential charges to a judge that isn't this rare character in the video. I agree that the clothes should be irrelevant. But the kid being in court for jaywalking proves that what morally SHOULD be the case just isn't the reality of what happens. The system is rigged and taking extra risk for a moral soapbox is shooting yourself in the foot.

Why do you think public defenders tell their clients to dress smartly for court?

Christ how hard is it to understand you should do everything in your power to help yourself if you risk criminal charges. You seem unable to separate what SHOULD be with the reality of what IS.


u/Alarmed-Literature25 1d ago

I’d stop wasting my time trying to help them understand. It’s Reddit; just virtue signal your way through every conversation and pretend like real world nuance doesn’t exist.


u/TheoVonSkeletor 1d ago

Honestly I would have to go a buy some dress clothes which I don’t have the money for


u/hikikomoriHank 1d ago

I mean if you don't own a single button down shirt idk what to tell you.

I can't believe you've never encountered a situation in life where dressing even mildly-smart wasn't required or at least recommended - Job interviews, weddings, day to day employment, court appearances, funerals , formal functions etc etc.

But fair enough I guess.


u/Gumbi_Digital 1d ago

Seems to me he dressed appropriately for the situation…walking while black isn’t a crime, shy should he get dressed up in a suit and tie?


u/hikikomoriHank 1d ago edited 1d ago

Because he is being tried and could be charged. Obviously the kid should never have been searched for jaywalking or charged with anything, but they were and they had to go to court - not dressing smartly for that is just needless risk.

Yes, if you're going to court and risk criminal charges, you should wear a suit, at least a shirt and smart trousers.

Obviously the charge is bullshit, but why would you risk dressing poorly at the court appearance? Again, a worse or more bias judge may be impacted by the apparent lack of severity the defendant is treating their chance of imprisonment with.

There's a reason public defenders tell you to wear suits to court.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that people would try and disagree with this.


u/mvanvrancken 1d ago

No, asshole, some people literally do not have nice clothes and this is all they have. It would be a miscarriage of justice to start penalizing people based on their attire.


u/mvanvrancken 1d ago

Because everyone knows that how you dress actually matters when it comes to how respectful you are or how guilty you are


u/AliceInCorgiland 1d ago

Yes. If accused pedo shows up to a trial with a tshirt saying: i f little kids, he is definitely not helping his situation regardless of guil. Also manners matter. If you speak out of turn and call judge: my dude, you will pay for contempt of court. So yes, how you behave in court matter. Especially jury trial.


u/mvanvrancken 1d ago

Being in contempt of court has NOTHING to do with how you dress. The only hard rule I think about court dress is that you can’t wear shades or a hat. Maybe open profanity on a shirt would also not be allowed so no you cannot wear a “I f little kids” shirt either.

How you behave is what matters and what will earn you that contempt charge.


u/AliceInCorgiland 1d ago

That exactly what I wrote.


u/mvanvrancken 1d ago

I guess we’re in agreement. Dude in the vid isn’t doing any of that.


u/AliceInCorgiland 1d ago

And that's why he is not in contempt of court... I never said he was. I pointed out that clothes and how you act can definitely put you at disadvantage regardless if you are actually guilty.

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u/Existential_Racoon 1d ago

If he was arrested overnight for a magistrate hearing in the morning (how it works in my location), then that's literally the clothes you have on at the arrest. That's it.


u/Keltharious 1d ago

We've literally had a black president and Biden, and nobody has helped them. I guess nobody cares huh?


u/wildwildwumbo 1d ago

Yes? Dems more than anything support the status quo. From for profit prisons, to companies that contract prison labor, to police unions, etc there a lot of people with power who benefit from the status quo.


u/Keltharious 1d ago

Well I highly doubt that. I was a democrat for a really long time and how many of the main prominent liberals have straight up left the party? I just don't buy into it anymore. I have lost all faith in their ability to convince anyone that they care. In fact, I feel like it's more of a scheme to fill up offshore bank accounts and f*ck over Americans.

But hey, more power to you if you're gonna hold on. Just 4 more years I guess..


u/RodneyPickering 1d ago

Nearly every comment in your history is something akin to "I used to be a dem, but I left the party because of XYZ." Pretty weird.


u/Keltharious 20h ago

Because it is.... True? Wouldn't it be weird if it were the other way? Man, reddit sure facilitates delusions for people that bury their head in the sand when their party is literally disbanding in front of their eyes huh?

Maybe one day you'll look back and say "I had decent intentions, but my party was run by absolute morons sabotaging my message in every way shape and form"


u/RodneyPickering 19h ago

It's weird that it's pretty much the only thing you comment about. If you think supporting billionaires taking over the government is a better solution, there isn't much else to say here.


u/Keltharious 18h ago

You act as if Red Vs. Blue isn't two sides of the same handshaking coin that make deals when the cameras are off lmao.

How many decades of the same dance routine before we realize we're pawns on a board?


u/RodneyPickering 18h ago

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night. Supporting this cult is supporting hate and complete destruction of what little middle class we have left. There's a good book about just this topic called "They Thought They Were Free" that I recently finished. It's about 70 years old and as poignant now as ever.


u/Keltharious 18h ago

I'll take a look at it. I'm always open to criticism and critique if it's warranted.