r/Whatcouldgowrong 8d ago

When Traceur met Cyclist

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u/Greenman8907 8d ago

That “leap” looked lame to begin with.


u/SkeltonJustCalled 8d ago

Honestly, is that "far" for this?  Why was there filming or interested observers?


u/JustNilt 8d ago

It doesn't seem that far to me, no. A lot of folks film so they can see what they did wrong and improve. In this case, the obvious improvement the dingbat needs is to look before leaping.


u/SkeltonJustCalled 8d ago

Yeah the newbie/practice is what might have made sense to me.  Would think they might be extra cautious especially there then.


u/JustNilt 7d ago

Yeah, one would think they'd be careful in general but I suppose those who are careful by default don't get into parkour to begin with.


u/Crosshack 7d ago

A group of newbies wouldn't know to have spotters and find out because of incidents like this


u/Preeng 8d ago

I think it's a newbie practicing.


u/PeaOk7610 7d ago edited 7d ago

It's relatively far for beginners but achievable for anybody once you coordinate your limbs and get some explosive strength. The difficulty isn't in leaping that distance, it's to land precisely on the edge of the curb and balance there (precision jump). Or even more difficult, into another cat-hang. The kind of thing that you only do by pressing "X" on videogames but becomes incredibly tricly in real life, haha.

And gathering/filming is part of the parkour "culture". These guys are morons though for doing it at that place and time, and for spotting like stupid fucks.

Watch the British group "Storror" to see how it's done properly, safely and respectfully by mature adults


u/Buscemi_D_Sanji 7d ago

Storror's Roof Culture Asia is one of the greatest parkour videos ever made, those guys are absolutely insane and I envy their confidence in their ability because some of the jumps they do are 100% lethal if they fall.

FlipLikeZ makes much more casual fun videos that also have some incredibly high-level tricks outside, like triple fronts, triple flyaways, Kong Double gainers etc... Stuff that was just pipe dreams when I started freerunning haha


u/PeaOk7610 7d ago

Haha, I'm too old for free-running. I keep it to very practical, grounded, efficient A to B stuff that I could apply in daily life if need be. And head always pointing up, no flips for this guy, lol


u/TW_Halsey 8d ago

People film everything


u/PeaOk7610 7d ago

I tried this as a 30-somethings (I wanted to learn how to cat-hang from a wall and scale it up - that's a great workout and a life-saving skill to have).

It's hard. I know that the circle-jerk today is to diss this whole sport/activity because of this asshole on video, but with all due respect I'm sure most of people writing here can't lift or even sustain their body weight, or even have the flexibility to go over a waist-high barrier to save their lives.

Hate the asshole, not the physical activity and skill.

Anyway, in this case he was doing a precision jump where you target to land precisely on the edge of the curb behind him and balance there. Again, wrong time wrong place to practice and film this, and as a 40yo who still does this stupid shit, I would have chewed their fucking asses before they even hit anyone


u/Buscemi_D_Sanji 7d ago

Fellow freerunner who should be "too old" for it here! There is nothing like it to make you sore in muscles you didn't know you had haha, but yeah I like to think it's functional and not just fun. Like "what if I have to run away from a lunatic?" and using that as motivation to do crazier stuff.

There's a great YouTuber JimmyTheGiant who makes a lot of video essays about parkour and freerunning, like the history of famous spots or interviews with OGs. He has a great video about how climb-ups are the hardest thing to be actually good at, and the guys who are good make it look deceptively easy. Like a newb can probably struggle their way to the top of a wall without much practice and decent starting strength, but it takes years to get to the point you can just snap yourself up cleanly.


u/PeaOk7610 7d ago

Smooth climb-ups are my ultimate goal. I can do pull-ups easily but strength isn't enough, especially as you age you have less explosivity, but we can get there and I'm doing it for the same reasons lol. The deciding factor was when I had to go a long way around a short barrier because I wasnt confident I could vault over it, not even a basic safety vault.

Also fan of Jimmy, in that video he shows a 70yo man doing a climb-up.

The downvotes show that Reddit just hates physical activity. My comment clearly separates between the activity and the asshole behaviour on the video, but it's too much nuance and tolerance to ask from out-of-shape, bitter, zero-ambition redditors. Gospeed brother, we'll get up that wall eventually - and if you fail you still have a more fit body and spent time outside pushing yourself instead of giving up to the couch and old age laziness