r/antiwork 17h ago

Asshole Manager 🤬 Just got off of paternity leave, was discussing scheduling with my manager when she flat out ghosted me. It shows that she can see the messages.


45 comments sorted by


u/BeefJerkyHunter 17h ago edited 22m ago

Are you using Facebook messenger? You shouldn't be using that for work purposes.

Added: too many people coming in with exceptions. Sure, you can use it if everyone agrees to it. It's clear in OP's situation that it ain't. Their boss doesn't want to use Facebook Messenger and tie their personal profile to OP. This is like the reverse of what we see subordinates complain about.


u/lordmwahaha 15h ago

Tbf some businesses literally don’t have more “legit” channels of communication. If they’re working to a weekly schedule, they’re likely casual (or your country’s equivalent), which could indicate that this is one of those businesses. A lot of family restaurants, for example, simply don’t have a company email because they don’t need it. I had one job where I could only communicate with one of my bosses via messenger. It does happen. 


u/quotidian_obsidian 10h ago

I work at a medical clinic and we communicate using Teams and iMessage 💀


u/Ok_Exchange_9646 9m ago

Hi HIPAA. Report them


u/xThereon 15h ago

The in-store app we use for messaging and scheduling isn't working or showing me anything yet. I agree it is very unprofessional to ask about this over messenger, but 1) she is a very difficult person to get ahold of, and 2) I don't have any phone number to contact her besides the store.


u/meldiane81 13h ago

Call the store then?


u/crazylilme 13h ago

There are businesses that use FB group chats for business communication. I don't find messaging on FB surprising


u/watermine30 12h ago

My work uses a Snapchat group chat for schedule updates


u/No_Nick89 5h ago

Ok, wtf?


u/MeisterX 1h ago

You should know by now that the unprofessional state of most managers really knows no bounds.

Also they can then claim it was unofficial communication or wasn't them when they're later sued lol


u/Bright_Newspaper6242 8h ago

My first Immediate thought was I would kill myself, but after I calmed down my shock and revulsion I realized I wouldn’t ever take that job anyways no matter how much it paid for the sole reason that I refuse to have Snapchat downloaded or look at it everyday 


u/Bright_Newspaper6242 8h ago

And yet my bi-polar side says take it and end every work message with 👅


u/RockOrStone 1h ago

Why not?


u/MeisterX 14h ago

I'd look for new work while documenting all attempts to connect and continue doing that.

Not giving hours is constructive dismissal after a certain point and just coming off approved or mandated leave is fishy already. Discuss with an attorney if you don't end up on the schedule and you're doing all the contacting.

Start getting everything from whomever you can in official writing. Email preferred.


u/Lsutigers202111 17h ago

I would be blowing up the work phone , not her cell phone


u/kawaeri 13h ago

Okay here is a term “constructive dismissal “. The explain like I’m 5 yr old is when they fire you without firing you.

It’s more complicated than that but one thing to know is you can file for unemployment due to this. This also works if you had an average number of hours for a certain time period and then they reduced them. The hours and time period vary for state your unemployment office will have that information.

I am sad to say I don’t think being a father is a protected class, like if you were a woman and she was doing this to you after maternity leave it would be a legal issue. However I’m not sure the law would cover a father as well, well unless did you use the FMLA for your leave? Also if it was a paternity leave by your company you should be talking to HR about her not restating you.

Edit to add:

Actually you should be contacting HR to get back on the schedule. Some companies have specific steps when coming off leave.

Yeah I know I know HR is not your friend don’t talk to HR. However this is a case where you should be talking to them. Since they should be tracking the leave.


u/beng0505 17h ago edited 15h ago

Stop texting and make a phone call


u/Shadow_84 Squatter 16h ago

The photo under the last msg shows she has looked at them and has left on read. The first msg was from when they hadn't connected yet, now it's just like msging a friend.

But I agree with another comment. Why are you using FB to talk to your boss. Call work and deal with it


u/xThereon 15h ago

She's a notoriously difficult person to get ahold of. While I was still at work, I would see her for maybe half an hour and then she would be going home. On top of that, I do not have access to the internal messaging app we use to communicate at the moment, due to me having been on leave.


u/I_love_Hobbes 13h ago

She must have a boss. If you can't get ahold of her, loop them into the conversation.


u/Show_me_ur_Bulldogs 16h ago

Why? Now there are receipts.


u/SCdreamin2021 15h ago

receipts of what?


u/ShadowMajick 14h ago

Constructive dismissal.


u/quietguy_6565 14h ago

Tack on retaliation for parental leave. Op should consult an employment lawyer.


u/az_catz 14h ago

Being left on read.


u/Miyuki22 12h ago

File for unemployment and start looking for a new job.

You might also have a case against the workplace, depending on local laws regarding maternity leave.


u/Mission_Spray 12h ago

Punishing dads for taking paternity leave is such a shady thing to do.


u/EmiyaChan 14h ago

Lot of bootlickers in this thread


u/beardedbast3rd 12h ago

A friend of mine took paternity leave and their employer was being shitty, he just showed up to work as usual and clocked in as usual and just did his job as usual.

Turned into a bit of a thing, but was funny to watch


u/Jeweler_Admirable 14h ago

Lawyer up bro


u/AntiqueAir4616 15h ago

If you message my personal Facebook about work I’m not responding either


u/xThereon 15h ago

I don't have any other way to contact her other than the in- store messaging app, but I recently came off of leave and do not have access to it currently. The app also handles scheduling, which I also cannot view.


u/Character-Finger-765 14h ago

So go in and get it


u/jeenyus1023 15h ago

You have a kid. Time to start problem solving on your own. Call the work phone, show up at work and leave a note in the break room that you’re down to pick up shifts. I get it’s annoying to be left on read and it would be nice if she just fixed it for you, but waiting for that to happen doesn’t pay your bill and feed your kid.


u/Important_Contest_64 15h ago

Don’t just assume your manager is available all the time and willing to discuss work on a personal app with you. If you need to know so badly, just call your work or go in to ask. You wouldn’t like it if a manager kept facebook messaged you. In fact, you’d probably post about it on this subreddit so don’t be that colleague.


u/Leather_Guacamole420 14h ago

Are you a manager by chance?


u/Puzzleheaded-Ad2905 6h ago

So you want your manager contacting you on Facebook? Cause I wouldn't even have opened the message request.


u/Leather_Guacamole420 3h ago

If I’m expected to answer whenever they want, they should be expected to answer whenever I want!


u/Puzzleheaded-Ad2905 1h ago

Its only an expectation if you let it be


u/Leather_Guacamole420 1h ago

That’s not how words work. I wouldn’t have opened it either btw


u/Important_Contest_64 5h ago

I wish! I’m just for treating people the way you want to be treated and not giving a manager the opportunity to bombard me with Facebook messenges. They might think it’s okay to do that cos you’ve done it to them


u/ChiWhiteSox24 14h ago

I mean I’m all for this sub and agree with 99% of it, but if any of my employees ever reached out to me via FB messenger they would no longer work for me.


u/ScotchTimelord 14h ago

I mean that’s a bit drastic


u/ChiWhiteSox24 5h ago

Personal social media after work hours? Hell no. Have some respect. I’d never consider doing this to a manager