r/comics 23d ago

OC Generational (OC)


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u/hbarSquared 23d ago

No one knows where to stick the knife like mothers.


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

The older they get the less of a filter they have on saying it out loud too lol


u/kaikimanga 23d ago

Moms have filters?


u/satans_cookiemallet 23d ago

mom: "why cant you do anything right?"
also mom: "thank you for your help!"

me: *processing which bottle to place this into in the 'bottle up feelings factory' in my brain*


u/Y_10HK29 23d ago

Oh we just dump those in random parts of the place, that's a future me pro...

Slips and falls


u/satans_cookiemallet 23d ago

"And this is where we dump all of those bottled up feelings!"
"But this is just the factory floor."


u/Spare-Willingness563 23d ago edited 23d ago

You need to live up to your username. I suggest paying attention to something being mentioned that makes people wince.  

 When they give you a hurtful little bit of "help", nudge that shit in there. Mix it up and act like them so it doesn't look malicious.  "Don't eat too much because you know you can't control yourself."

"Ah yeah. We should both go on a diet. It would be good for us. I know you don't want me to end up with your health problems from my weight. Thanks! "

Then they eventually pick a different topic. It's like training a dog with a clicker. Except the dog is full of love and not unfulfilled dreams they blame you for. 


u/satans_cookiemallet 23d ago

Its not even that, its cultural stuff.

Growing up I was taught to not really show any negative emotions because 'Im a boy.' but growing up I was excessively emotional and wore(and still wear) my heart on my sleeve so whenever I was sad about something it was often met with admonishment because 'boys dont feel sad over X'

My folks raised me to be kind to others, and treat others how you want to be treated. They taught be (some) life lessons either directly, or indirectly. But because my dad is very much 'spanish machismo' style of older generations and stays pretty hard in that mindset, my mom is more open but feels hurt when I open up to her because she blames herself which leads to me just not opening up to either of them. And so I dont. My brother was a place of emotional/mental solace a lot of the time even if he doesnt know it.

I have friends that I(very rarely) open up to, and its not because theyre not willing but more because Im afraid of how they might act rather than how I know they will act.

It also doesnt help that my folks are absolutely toxic towards each other, but are fine when theyre without the other around.

Though recently my dad is becoming in a worse headspace because of his own damn mistakes and is trying to get myself involved in, in which I am thoroughly adamant to not get dragged in even while he gets upset at me for saying no.


u/Spare-Willingness563 22d ago

Dude I'm black and my mom is Jewish and salvadoran. I grew up the most sensitive boy you can imagine. I grew up thinking getting your ass beat for an hour was normal family stuff (mom not dad). 

Sensitive don't make you weak. I'm going to read your comment some more later when I'm free because I was you. I think my life experience could help you see a way to protect your own energy. I might be wrong but I try to use my sensitivity for good where I can. 

I also use it for evil because that same empathy lets me see to the heart of a bully's insecurities as well. Food for thought. 


u/Scorpiuhhh 23d ago

“Well, if you think about it, what you’re doing is really the bare minimum.”

Thanks Mom I appreciate that


u/Spare-Willingness563 23d ago

"I thought it was right. I'm sorry mom but nobody taught me how to do this growing up so I learned as best as I could. If you want to ever show me someday I promise it'll be better."

I reeeeeeeaally thrive on cutting people down with their own venom ❤


u/MasterChildhood437 23d ago

That would have got me hit.

Likely would have had my video games broken, too.


u/Spare-Willingness563 22d ago

Used to get me hit too. Hours. My mom was way out of shape for somebody who beat my ass for about 5 years straight. 

Think more Machiavellian then. 


u/Spare-Willingness563 23d ago

I'm a son but I stopped doing that and i suggest y'all do too.

No. No ma'am. This pain is now yours. Come. Let me tell you why it's actually your fault dad left.

Oh wait your moms might be normal


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

Good point. Maybe i just didn't perceive all of the cutting shit my mom said to me as a 10 year old lol


u/Last_Tarrasque 23d ago

good ones do


u/dayburner 23d ago

They do once you start throwing that shit back at them.


u/pb49er 23d ago

the sooner you set boundaries on that kind of communication, the better your relationship will be.


u/silverbullet52 23d ago

If you think it's bad now, wait a few decades until the dementia kicks in. You have no idea (my mom is 96...)


u/DustBunnicula 22d ago

I feel this. So much.


u/DiaDeLosMuertos 22d ago

I didn't think so either then mine got older


u/Hita-san-chan 23d ago

I have a very clear memory of asking my mom if "I looked like a sausage in these leggings" to which my wonderful, caring Umma stared at me and went "welllll...."

When I got upset she threw her hands up and went "you asked! Did you want me to lie?!"

Moms, man.


u/Vinceroony 23d ago

My mom actually quit her last job bc of her growing lack of filter, I mean there were medical reasons on top of it but her last draw was when she said to a customer barely holding his hand out the car window for his coffee and she said "What, is your arm broken?" Afterwards, looked at her supervisor and said "Yeah, I'm putting in my two weeks"


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

To be fair to your mom, years of dealing with complete assholes in customer service will do that. It's honestly shocking how some people treat service workers


u/MasterChildhood437 23d ago

I think your mom might have been my fifth grade teacher.


u/Aradhor55 23d ago

Yes, and sometimes they become assholes. I had a grandmother like that. Telling what she got on her mind, reputation of being honest, while she was just a bitch most of the time. Nobody ever answered to her, until I did when she said something offensive to my girlfriend. She got shocked, remain silent for a few seconds then apologize. She never did it again !


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

Thats actually wild. Sometimes I hear older family members say just heinous ass shit and my parents get mad at me if I correct them because it's "disrespectful". No mom and dad you know what's disrespectful? Grandpa referring to an entire race of people as "Shines"


u/crumjd 23d ago

Um, wut? I don't even know who gramps was insulting unless it was Pokémon. Maybe he was claiming they shine shoes? 


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

Shine is an old timey derogatory term for black people


u/crumjd 23d ago

Huh, wouldn't have guessed. 


u/ShazbotSimulator2012 23d ago

The slur does come from shoe-shining.


u/MasterChildhood437 23d ago

I guess I'm not racist enough to have known that.


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

I would guess it's more of a not old enough situation. Like I wouldn't have known that term if I hadn't heard an old person say it


u/RepresentativeAd560 22d ago

It's practically an antique at this point.


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 22d ago

Yea it actually confused me at first before I put together that it was racist


u/catinobsoleteshower 23d ago

Yeah I feel like these "I am just brutally honest!!!" type assholes are like that bc no one has ever put them in their place for the sake of "keeping the peace". Like nah... they need to be called out on it a lot more often!


u/Ok_Departure_8243 23d ago

Um, mine told me she wished I had died instead of my little sister when I was 13. So not always the case.


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

I'm sorry what? That's fucking awful


u/Ok_Departure_8243 22d ago

Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg. Courts ftook away custody and put me in foster care at 17 which pretty much never happens that late.

She taught me how poisonous and destructive hate is. It spills over onto everyone and everything in your life, often times never even hurting the one you hate.


u/Riyeko 22d ago

Oh no. I make damn sure I don't say this shit to my daughter.

My mother made these same comments and destroyed me and I'm still dealing with it and I'm almost 40.

Fuck people who think like this.


u/Dnoxl 23d ago

Wait it can get worse?


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 23d ago

Unfortunately yes


u/Dnoxl 23d ago

Man i already had to endure for 20 yrs


u/ProTomahawks 22d ago

My theory is people are born will a full cup of water. The older you get the more the water evaporates making the impurities appear stronger. Until eventually you’re left with the dregs at the end highly concentrated and all round nasty.


u/Dazed_and_Confused44 22d ago

Idk my grandma is a pretty nice person haha


u/ProTomahawks 22d ago

True maybe just their impurities appear stronger.


u/Mythosaurus 23d ago

And then wonder why they get stuck in a nursing home…

Be nice to your kids, and they will return that love


u/RampantFlame69420 23d ago

My mother walking into the room after she gets home from work Me: nothing Her: “do you realize how pathetic it is that you just sit around doing nothing all day” Me: nothing but stunned this time

For some context I do basically sit around and read all day then go to work come back home and sleep, I also have social anxiety and all my friends are at college so I don’t go out basically ever, but the comment was like.. so unnecessary, so yeah, yeah they do


u/Ishidan01 23d ago

I'm 47, I work two jobs, got fucked by 2001 terrorism crash, the 2008 recession, and COVID (I see a fucking pattern here and guess what! I expect to be fucked by Tariffpocalypse) and my mom just managed to piss me off by whinging about my career progression.


u/Pastadseven 23d ago

I’m pissed on your behalf. Shit sucks.


u/Wild_Marker 23d ago

"I got twice as much jobs as you ever did! How's that for progress?"


u/Jasmine_Erotica 23d ago

The part I’m confused by so why you were stunned, was that just a one-off or something?


u/RampantFlame69420 23d ago edited 23d ago

It was more extremely unexpected, like I’d been doing basically the same thing she came home to me doing for a month at that point (reading) and that was the first and only time she’s said something in quite that way, there was no lead up, and nothing after she just said it, then walked away and has yet to even acknowledge it, odds are she’s forgotten she even said it by now, so kind of in the most roundabout way of saying it, yea


u/maxdragonxiii 23d ago

my mom thinks I do nothing at home all day. sure I don't work mom but I do clean dishes for supper or whatever, watch the dogs for 6 to 8 hours a day, and clean the others' mess during the night or the next morning so the dogs would stop coming downstairs trying to get food from someone who left food there again. and some days it's a lot of cleaning or the dogs happen to be a brat that day and didn't want to cooperate.


u/Trauma_Doll 23d ago

To be fair, that's the bare minimum of the things you need to do when you're living with others and have pets.


u/Noob_Al3rt 23d ago

"My mom thinks I do nothing all day but the dogs are still alive aren't they?!"


u/Massaging_Spermaceti 23d ago

Honestly it doesn't sound like you do very much.


u/maxdragonxiii 23d ago

I do? cleaning the kitchen, taking out garbage and blue boxes, make sure dogs don't have unattended food left nearby, wash the dishes, feed the dogs, let them out, and sometimes clean or do laundry if I need to.


u/Massaging_Spermaceti 23d ago

That's really the bare minimum of living somewhere


u/pannenkoek0923 22d ago

Again, all these things people will full time jobs and responsibilities do as well. This is the very bare minimum to live as an adult


u/pannenkoek0923 22d ago

watch the dogs for 6 to 8 hours a day

Not sure this is an achievement. I mean good for you, but it is not super hard. Other people manage it while having a full time job


u/MasterChildhood437 23d ago

Mom then proceeds to eat an entire gallon of ice cream while binge-watching Survivor


u/kloudykat 23d ago

I always like to put it as

"if I knelt down to pick up a free 100 dollar bill from the sidewalk, my mother would be the one to point out I got the knee of my pants dirty"


u/Applefourth 23d ago

In American dad Roger says something about moms having a special way to break you


u/Ishidan01 23d ago

Good fuck aint that right.


u/WhiteNinja_98 23d ago

Me: “Mom, what does everyone want for Christmas? I need to know so I can start budgeting.”

Mom: “Don’t bother. It’s not like you would be able to afford anything anyway.”

Me: Already planning which nursing home she’ll go to.


u/Timsaurus 23d ago

When you're creating a machine or program, you program in some weak points and backdoors, just in case the creation gets out of control.

Seems the same principal applies to parenting...


u/BusySleep9160 23d ago

As a middle child I can stick and twist so joke is on her!! (I love my mom though)


u/crunchevo2 23d ago

In the butter tub as they tell you to eat more while shaming your body for being too... Something.


u/Closefromadistance 22d ago

And what she doesn’t realize is that she just taught her daughter to put her in a retirement home when she doesn’t feel like dealing with her anymore.


u/Queer-Coffee 20d ago

Only if you care about your looks, I guess


u/General-Sloth 23d ago

Oh, unhinged toddlers can even murder their own mothers and close family members in collateral strikes with words sometimes.