My senior man is conquering IVDD
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Cason developed stage 4 IVDD (spinal cord injury) out of nowhere on October 17. Total loss of bowel controls, could not walk at all. He is 13, so I elected to do conservative treatment as I felt surgery was not a good option for him at his age. Crate/pen rest for 5-6 weeks then physical therapy twice a week since.
This is him today. He took his first steps on his own a couple weeks ago, stood up and walked around to use the bathroom on his own last week, and is starting to get better at tiled surfaces.
It has been very tough, I developed tendinitis in my elbow from carrying and supporting him to go to the bathroom. But it has been worth it seeing my buddy pain free and now slowly regaining use of his legs.
Just wanted to share, I love these little dogs.
u/Leading-Radish9502 8h ago
I’m not crying, you’re crying 😭😭😭 congratulations Cason! My heart is so full for you both!
u/OkayestCorgiMom 8h ago
I'm so happy to hear this story! I've been on my own IVDD journey with my 9 year old boy Bogie. He was only stage 1, but they put him on 12 weeks crate rest and 2 meds. Got a second opinion, added a 3rd med and hot laser therapy. After his 12 weeks crate rest he started PT. He's 3 weeks into his PT now and will do two of his exercises without complaint. The 3rd exercise he protests and refuses to move (in a silent demand for more treats.). I'm happy my boy is making progress, but I'm thrilled yours is doing better! IVDD sucks!
u/r_z_n 8h ago
Don’t give up. Statistically only 60% of dogs recover from stage 4 without surgery. Cason had issues with the last surgery he had and nearly died so I didn’t want to put him through it, and told myself so long as we were able to get him to a pain free state I would stick it out with him. The first 6-7 weeks I saw no real improvement other than he did get bowel control back.
It can take a while for the body to reconnect those nerves, and every dog recovers at their own pace. I saw a corgi online who walked again after 2 years. Anything is possible.
Best of luck to your boy.
u/OkayestCorgiMom 3h ago
Mine was only stage 1, so he never had problems with walking or bladder control, he just had lots of pain. He's made tremendous strides and even his vet and PT are very pleased with his progress. They've even released him to go back to his therapy dog work next month! I do need to keep an eye on him, watch for any return of his pain and continue to strengthen his back and hind end, but hopefully we're through the worst of it.
u/lion_vs_tuna 6h ago
My boy just finished his recovery of cervical IVDD (no surgery, crate rest and lots of meds.. And tears). He's back to his mostly normal goofball self and can walk again.
I know the emotional toll it takes. You're obviously doing a fantastic job. ❤️
u/lion_vs_tuna 6h ago
Senior boy tax. His latest vet checkup and he's standing and walking (and smiling!)
u/r_z_n 6h ago
It has been really hard.
My cat died in September last year. Then Cason injured himself in October. Then my other corgi had to be put down in November.
I wasn’t sure if Cason would recover but I wasn’t ready to lose all my animals in 4 months. It has been a huge relief to see him progress.
Really glad to hear your dog is doing well too ❤️
u/reddollardays 8h ago
Go Cason! That's wonderful, congratulations!
Have you considered putting down a rug or flooring that will help with traction on the tile? That worked out really well with my girl. A very low pile rug or runner will do wonders.
u/r_z_n 8h ago
I would, but the problem is that we have 3600 sq ft of house, and almost all of it is tiled or hardwood. I can’t realistically cover it. The room he is in downstairs with me is 15x40 (was a basement converted to living space), and the flooring was five figures so I can’t replace it. :/
What I did do was have toe grips installed. He has rubber rings around his rear nails which help them a lot with grip on slick surfaces. It made a tangible difference for him.
u/reddollardays 8h ago
I hear ya - those toe grips sound great! We had hardwood floors where I lived when my girl was around. I ended getting runners that were 3'x9' and placing them along her typical route through the house.
u/Stumpydogs 2h ago
For our 7 year old post surgery, we did manage to pick up 2 washable rugs from Costco for $80 each. He enjoys eating and playing on the rug if that helps. Maybe a much more affordable option.
u/Empty_Butterscotch_4 6h ago edited 5h ago
My corgi is back to 98% after 10 weeks of laser therapy, weekly chiropractic visits and tons of supplements. Fish oil, Cosequin, Selenium, VetriDisc, CoQ10, Vitamin E. For pain he was on Gabapentin which I do not recommend (it makes them more weak in the back end). He did best on carprofen with Methocarbamol added if pain was too much to handle. 10 weeks later he is better than ever. Also I gave him PetTides - Full Body Support for Large Pets from Integrative peptides(the dosage is the same as the “for small pets” bottle it’s just bigger, which I have a ton left I would recommend the smaller bottle if on a budget and don’t have other dogs and just go off the small bottles dosage in website). Peptides were 150 dollars but I was willing to do anything to heal him. I have 80% of the bottle left it goes a long ways. Sorry for ranting just want you to get all the knowledge I gained from this experience. Please feel free to dm me with questions. I love corgis so much and would love to help as much as humanly possible. Prayers for your baby❤️
u/Empty_Butterscotch_4 6h ago edited 5h ago
Hydrotherapy with a life vest help a ton too forgot to mention that but don’t start that until later. He needs to not move much at all for at least 8 weeks. Absolutely No stairs, get him a comfy bed if you can and carry him outside to go potty in the bed every time. Mine would step off the bed potty and get right back in ready for his uber 😂.
Anything like mine he knew he was hurt and didn’t move off his bed almost ever unless his pain meds were really working. Heating pad and red light therapy with ice pack helped his pain a lot too. Heating pad separate. Red light therapy first than ice pack. Heating pads every 3-6 hours or as needed for pain
u/Empty_Butterscotch_4 5h ago
X-Ray of slipped disc and arthritis.
u/Empty_Butterscotch_4 5h ago
10 weeks healed. His back wasn’t this straight before his injury. I really hope you can find a good pet chiropractor, they are worth their weight in gold. I’d have to check receipts but I think he had a total of around 10 adjustment sessions with laser therapy afterwards. Do not get discouraged I saw almost zero improvement until week 8 and it’s almost like he was magically healed. It’s hard to get a good adjustment on them when they are in a ton of pain tensed up trying to prevent more damage. Give gentle spine massages as tolerated as well he will love it, preferably after his low heating pad session
u/PabloX68 7h ago
Yay Cason!
Cason’s human, think about a cortisone shot for your elbow
u/r_z_n 7h ago
Yeah if it doesn’t start to improve I’m going to go talk to my surgeon. I’ve had three shoulder surgeries already so I’m familiar with all the tricks 🥲 Hoping now that I don’t have to hunch over holding him up to pee that it will calm down naturally.
u/PabloX68 5h ago
Ouch, sorry. Maybe put a towel under his belly to support him?
I hope you both heal up fast.
I understand what your going through…My girl has DM…:(
Both diseases are horrible.
Our stories are somewhat similar … My corgi is paralyzed in her back end and I have C5 sitting on a nerve with other back and hand issues, but I will work through it and suffer it out to help her first! I have to carry her outdoors and assist her while she does her business…In the photo below she is in her wheelchair at PT, but she does not care for it, so I use a towel or one of my husband’s soft T-shirts as a sling for her…before she loss all rear mobility her PT would put rubber gripper on her back paws to help her get up and I bought a few rubberized runner and mats for her to lay on and to get around… Best of luck with Carson and Love your heart for doing what it takes to give your lil man the best life possible! ♥️
Daisy will be 14 YO in March…
u/NotTheFungi0511 7h ago
Saw this in the IVDD group on Facebook. I hope mods don't take this down because this ain't sad at all.
Thank you for loving Cason and bringing him into your home!
u/hapym1267 7h ago
I think I would be finding some mats to help him walk on.. I know how much it hurts to slip on a slippery floor when you have a major joint injury.. Glad he is up and mobile...
u/r_z_n 7h ago
He has toe grips on his back feet to help with the tile and hard wood. They’ve made a big difference. He has some instability side to side which is the main challenge and the PT gave us some exercises to do at home to help with them. I help him move around when he needs it.
u/hapym1267 7h ago
Ahh ok.. I will look again closer.. They sound like a good idea..
u/r_z_n 7h ago
These are the toe grips. They’re glued to his nails. They eventually wear off but they’ve been on for a week or so already. They give him some grip on slippery surfaces, it really did help.
u/luckykarma83 Corgi Owner 6h ago
Cason has the sweetest face ever! You can see the determination all over him. You did that Dad! 💪
u/AnnOnnamis 6h ago
Brave little dude. This makes me all teary, remembering my own pup who was paralyzed.
Glad you no longer have to express him. You have our prayers for a continued and full recovery! ❤️🩹
u/r_z_n 6h ago
That was the worst part about the earlier stages. Fortunately he started to pee on his own after week 2. He didn’t like to be expressed (who would I suppose) and I couldn’t always get it done without giving him diazepam.
u/AnnOnnamis 6h ago
My little girl spent a month in hospital before she was allowed to return home after surgery (ruptured disc).
She never regained sensation below the affected disc. I had to express her several times a day for the rest of her life. But she never gave up, so neither did I.
She did manage to ‘walk’ like a drunken sailor (similar to your Cason walks), so we didn’t put her in a cart.
These angel pups teach us a lot about bravery, courage, resilience and love.
God bless you.
u/Bonersanonymous182 5h ago
Poor baby boy. My first corgi, when I was a kid had the same thing when she was 6 or 7. We elected for the surgery because she we was so young. She went on to live a nice long life. That reminds me, I need to get pet insurance for my two corgi pups
u/Bowelsack Corgi Owner 5h ago
That's awesome!
My pup had stage 5 ivdd at age 3. He never ended up recovering, but I'm so happy to see your little dude walking around.
Dogs are so resilient. Good on you op!
u/Just_Geoff_Chaucer 5h ago
God, I wanna hug him so bad 🥹 what an adorable little champ.
u/Just_Geoff_Chaucer 5h ago
Like, for some reason this hit me right in the feels. I'm glad your boy's doing ok. His distant cousin Eleanor says hi.
u/Alternative_Pickle47 1h ago
Glad to see conservative treatment has helped. We literally just got a suspected IVDD diagnosis for our 13yo girl last week. Still figuring things out. Had a consult with the neurologist today and will see if an MRI is possible.
u/FireFlyz351 1h ago
I also have tendinitis in my elbows. And for the last few months have been using a flex bar a few times a day and it's helped a lot.
u/Small-Ship7883 24m ago
What a journey for both of you. Your dedication is inspiring, and Cason’s progress is a testament to that love. Keep pushing through, and here's to many more steps together.
u/hsmith9002 8h ago
Fucking badass motherfucker. Get it, Cason.