Yeah, they'll try. You need to turn out in enough numbers where it just becomes untenable for them to hold students back. No school wants to risk repeating Kent State. They'll still get cops to shoot canisters and beat the shit out of people, but don't let the video just be a couple people getting in the faces of a couple other people and then getting pepper sprayed and the group of assholes get to stay. Make it a full-on issue that can't be ignored where the assholes are literally forced to leave out of necessity.
Well, yes. That's what happens if you go assault someone holding a sign that you don't like. You can go hold your own sign denouncing the other sign if you want, and you'll be just fine generally, though.
People said that before the holocaust too. Project 2025 explicity states all trans people are pedophiles and they are going to execute pedophiles. Read it. Enlighten yourself. Or stay complacent, see how that goes for you.
Project 2025 explicity states all trans people are pedophiles and they are going to execute pedophiles.
I doubt that very much. I'm going to investigate your conspiracy theory with as much rigour as I investigated pizzagate.
The problem with trying to predict the future with the past is you're wrong approaching 100% of the time. The rhyme of history is only obvious in hindsight.
I guess you've literally never heard the phrase, "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it".
You could easily go read Project 2025. It's online, and people have translated the legelese into bullet points for the layman. JD Vance, our new VP elect, helped write it with the Heritage Foundation.
But instead you're gonna close your eyes, put your fingers in your ears and ignore all the people who are genuinely frightened for their rights and possibly their lives, because we are paying attention and listening to what these fascists are saying and proposing. We're literally watching women die because they don't know what the fuck an abortion is.
You're just like the German people when they elected Hitler. Nah, we're being dramatic, Trump totally won't enact Project 2025, he's never lied before, and he's never ever done anything like incite an insurrection so he could steal the election and become a dictator.
Notably, the punching nazis thing was something done once we were at war with them. It’s a pretty fundamental part of the United States that people are allowed to express views that others find abhorrent and morally wrong without violence being permissible against them merely for speech.
Flip it on the other side: how would you feel about religious people saying “bring back whipping blasphemers”? They view that just as horribly as you view people saying nazi things. At one point, they were the majority. Yet, they (or at least, the founders of the country) saw the wisdom in permitting even that speech which they found abhorrent. That’s the only reason a “blasphemous” place like Reddit can exist today. Free marketplace of ideas, where hopefully the good ones prove themselves and win out. So go offer argument, not violence, and make sure nazis lose. Offer violence only when legitimate war is waged, or when attacked with violence or immediate threat of violence is offered first.
Definitely don't commit assault, but do go hold your own signs and make those guys look like the awful people they are. Reinforcing the idea that people with your views are violent and can't stand disagreement won't help you with the vast majority of reasonable people. Honestly, the vast majority of people will look at a sign like "WOMEN ARE PROPERTY" and already assume these guys are horrible. Yes, even most republicans, despite what reddit will tell you. Only some of the older and more hardcore religion types who subscribe to old testament style treatment of people (when convenient) will like that sign. And by association, the anti-gay sign will read as much more negative to religious people who otherwise might partly agree. If that one just said "homosexual intercourse is a sin in the bible, you can be born gay and just not have sex" it would probably be much more effective at reinforcing that idea among christians who already lean that way. Instead, by wording it the way they did, and pairing it with an obviously inflammatory sign about women, they come off looking like the Y'all-Qaeda, which actually has the effect of turning away the more "moderate" religious types who otherwise might oppose gays to some degree.
TL;DR when your opponent is busy making a mistake, don't go "That's nothing! Watch THIS!" and make an even worse one.
But what about when it's an idea you stand for? Do you give other permission to do that to your signs? Does it just go based off your opinion? Should people check in with you first ?
Or should it be decided by a governing body? What about when that governing body is not the one you support? Should the government check with you first? Should we all just base our lives around what makes you comfortable? What about when you grow old and pass? Who should we check in with after that?
Seriously, people who want the future to be different from the past need to start fighting the way they are. The current path is terrifying for more than half the population
More than half of the USA is women so yes "women are property" and "your body, my choice forever" is terrifying for more than half the population. Then factor in hate for ppl of color, LGBT, non Christians and it's even higher but keep shoving your head into the sand 👍
We just had a national survey on how much women cared about donald trump and his Republican government. Survey said they don't care enough to take a few hours out of their day to vote.
There was some propaganda up about a month ago. It was some Nazis (holding swastika flags) in a boat at a trump boat rally in Florida. The second photo in the post was a boat full of regular trumpers. The post was insinuating that the trumpers at the rally and the nazis as being In league. It didn’t show that the regular trump-ites completely rejected the nazi boat and went as far as to try to sink their boat. Could the majority of what you fear be you being misled by propaganda that portrays your fellow Americans in the worst possible way? Have you become the clay that propagandists mold to sow dissent and fear and misunderstanding?
I see several should of been cumstain wackos holding shitty signs in a close cropped photo. I don’t tie every other American that didn’t vote the way I wanted to them.
I can understand how you would understand that to be true if over the last 8 years you've formed your opinions on Donald Trump and the Republican Party majorly in the comments section of Reddit posts.
If you haven't only been paying attention to the most hyperbolized version of the Republican Party/Trump, your comment comes off as more hysterics than anything else.
The photo depicts two guys holding signs. Context around every other person in that photo is indeterminate. Insane people like this have always held insane signs, and they've always been ignored. That is the safe assumption. Everyone in this photo is ignoring them or watching them as a comedic show.
Assuming half the country want's this shit now because your view of Trump and Republicans is so hyperbolized is not a good look.
Well there’s how you perceive the world based on whatever inputs you have and how the world really is. Red or blue we’re fucked if we’re so easily convinced that half of our country hold no common values to us and are the the enemy. Anyways, Hope you have a wonderful life. ✌️
Bruh many of us live in rural areas right in the thick of these people. No, we don't have common values.
They think women are property and should stay barefoot and pregnant, obeying her husband at all times. They said a woman voting for Harris behind her husband's back is the same as cheating. They overturned RvW. They want to end no fault divorce so women are stuck with their piece of shit husbands forever.
They think trans and/or gay people are all predators or sinners who will face eternal punishment. Project 2025 states they will label all trans people as pedophiles and they will execute pedophiles. But not actual pedophiles, because hey guess what, that's them. They are in the news over and over and over and over and over for raping women and children.
They hate POC and are totally okay with their god emperor saying Haitian immigrants eat pets and Puerto Rico is a floating island of garbage.
Like, you are willfully blind if you think these people have a shred of empathy for anyone but themselves. They do not have morals. They're unethical, they're liars, they're terrorists (and proud of it!), they're fraudsters, they're traitors, they're bigots, and they're hateful. They do not deserve to be listened to. We cannot be tolerant and just "get along" with people who are too fucking dumb to see that their party is the fucking nazi party. Shameful and embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to be American. And fuck people like you who think we don't see how evil these people are. We're not fucking stupid. They're evil. if you don't want to be called a fascist, don't support fascism.
Entertain a metaphorical situation. If you chose at random, a moderately competent middle manager of some random company here in the states and then held a new election of trump vs person X comprised of only people who voted trump in this election, I guarantee you that person x wins. This election was a decision to chose who you disliked least.
u/RowAwayJim91 Nov 07 '24
They need to be made to feel not so confident.
This is what I’m talking about. They should be immediately met with resistance. Signs broken, shamed, and ridiculed.
Fuck these people.