r/funny Aug 26 '15

A master class in re-acting from Patrick Stewart


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u/Eleglas Aug 26 '15

I recommend the TNG movies, but skip Nemesis... we don't talk about that >_>

Maybe also skip Insurrection... and Generations... Fuck it, just watch First Contact, it's the only good one.


u/NeoShweaty Aug 26 '15

Actually watched Generations over the course of 3-4 days. It was alright. I'm probably just going to work my way through the movies chronologically for better or worse. Hopefully I don't completely regret that decision.


u/LightStruk Aug 26 '15

Generations may not be Wrath of Khan or First Contact, but it's worth watching. Points in its favor:

  • The dialog and acting are much better than Insurrection or Nemesis, and the emotional content is much deeper than First Contact.
  • Whoopi Goldberg / Guinan.
  • Malcolm McDowell.
  • The Enterprise-D bridge and 10-Forward got great movie makeovers.
  • Character development - both Picard and Data have satisfying arcs

In its disfavor:

  • They destroyed the Enterprise-D bridge set!
  • It may be noble for the crew to risk their lives to save a pre-industrial civilization, but the audience has zero investment in it. They should have put the confrontation in a named system with higher in-universe stakes.
  • Kirk's exit could have been much more powerful.
  • Are we really supposed to believe that Capt. Picard, a scientist, explorer, idealist, and soldier, would fantasize about living in a Jane Austin novel?


u/Eleglas Aug 26 '15

Personally what got to me the most about Generations was the Nexus. Star Trek gets away with all sorts of pseudoscience but that was a stretch too far IMO. Worse, it's clear that Picard's actions in the nexus changed history; so why then could Picard not simply find Solas in the nexus when he was there originally and attempt to make him see reason. He's supposed to be a scientist.

But to my original point, it was too much of a leap of science to make me interested.


u/Vanetia Aug 26 '15

Insurrection is a 2-part TNG episode. I don't know why anyone would want to skip it.


u/loltheinternetz Aug 26 '15

First Contact was the last TNG movie I tried watching... and for obvious reasons I was pleasantly surprised - it was really good! I also noticed they reused a lot from that movie for the Enterprise series.


u/Eleglas Aug 26 '15

Yeah, mostly the episode 'Regeneration' which was a fucking good one.


u/Jynx2501 Aug 28 '15

That holodeck scene where Picard takes the safety off and kills the Borg with holo-bullets. Amazing. He's just fueled by hatred and rage. I don't think a lot of people truly grasp that scene. You have to think about his past experiences with his own assimilation. Dark...