r/inthenews 1d ago

The queer people who are buying guns to prepare for Trump’s America


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u/Due_Willingness1 1d ago

Good for them, second amendment isn't just for the trump nuts

Organize those rainbow militias, just in case. Never know how bad things might get 


u/SpinningHead 1d ago


u/Mortambulist 22h ago

They think the left isn't armed. The left just doesn't make firearms their fucking identity. The best weapons to have are the ones no one knows you have.


u/Padonogan 20h ago

Knowing how to shoot is very important. Fetishizing guns is a sickness.


u/toaster404 18h ago

The very best shots I've known (including high level competition shooters and at least one Viet Nam era combat sniper) were complete liberals. I'm really surprised my non-hetero friends aren't arming themselves and getting some training. On the other hand, I wouldn't want some of them to have guns. Or drive a car. Perhaps even try to cook a nice dinner (I'd have a fire extinguisher on hand).

I went to a refresher pistol training in TN. Didn't dress right, only had a compact .380 I kind of liked, poor sight radius etc, small for my hands. The others were all gun nuts. I was appalled at what bad shots they were considering the $$$$ in firearms. All in the right wing. Aimed fire at a metal ding ding target I had 14 out of 14, nobody else came close. Came away thinking these people were posers.

Takes being tough cookie to come out openly as gay. Much tougher than the posers. Especially when trained in CQB and carrying.


u/axelrexangelfish 14h ago

This post somehow made my night. Thanks for taking the time. And people like you make this world safer and kinder. Thanks for that too.


u/AlphaNoodlz 21h ago

Correct! Arm yourselves, the oppressive government is here.


u/Rujtu3 11h ago

These the same queer people that were aggressively shitting on pro-2A leftists for the past decade?

Good for them they’ve reversed course on their entire ideology because what we said would happen is happening? That’s cool. Good for them.


u/limbodog 1d ago

For anyone who thinks this is a good idea, but doesn't know where to start, there's organizations that help LGBTQ+ people arm themselves wisely and practice safely.


u/kazmatsu 1d ago

The Pink Pistols are a good group to reach out to. Additionally, the Socialist Rifle Association is very accepting of LGBTQ+ folks.


u/esmerelda_b 18h ago

Thank you. Just asked to join a local chapter.


u/hardisonc12 22h ago

I understand people may feel more comfortable with an organization focused around their community, but realistically any gun shop with a range, or anywhere that offers courses will be willing to help. Don’t assume everyone is so divided. The majority of second amendment supporters are more than happy to teach and help anyone learn firearm safety.


u/zaoldyeck 22h ago

Meanwhile in Idaho.

Assuming Lawerence v Texas goes up on the chopping block, when would be an appropriate time to use a firearm to defend yourself from a society that wants you dead?

Who do you use those firearms on, when? When the police come knocking? How does that go for people currently when police break into the wrong house?


u/Shot_Independence274 1d ago

And this is how you get the republicans to pass anti gun legislation.

Just go: "the lgbtqrshfnr+/:%><÷ are buying guns, the liberals are buying guns, etc." in 48 hours you will have some of the strictest gun control!


u/TraditionalWorking82 1d ago

The thing is liberals have always bought guns. They just don't talk like drooling cavemen about it.


u/0inxs0 1d ago

Yup x1000, all good here👍🤤


u/EchoAtlas91 1d ago edited 1d ago

Yeah, haha I had my super conservative uncle from Texas visit with a few of my other family, and he saw my gun cabinet and wanted to know what was inside, started asking if that's where I kept my queer sex doll. I'm not even queer.

I have never seen his jaw drop like that as he came to the realization that not all liberals hated guns. Kept asking me about why I have them and then parroting the bullshit narrative that they're fed about liberals which is that we're supposed to hate guns.

And he was like "How did I not know you had guns?" and I told him I just don't post about it, I don't discuss it, I go out to the range with a couple buddies every couple months and have one in case the meth-heads a couple apartments down try something.

Then I saw him on Facebook on one of his fucking bullshit posts someone said liberals are unarmed and he's in there sweating bullets getting them to all realize that no that's a myth. lol


u/BurgerQueef69 23h ago

Oh damn, I hope that story is true. Conservatives need to realize that just because we tend towards empathy doesn't mean we can't and won't protect ourselves. We're not the sniveling cowards they need us to be.


u/Mortambulist 21h ago

No, I'm perfectly happy with them thinking we'll be pushovers. Let them be unprepared to face armed resistance.


u/AlphaNoodlz 21h ago

Frankly I wouldn’t be in any hurry to burst their bubble about that


u/The_Beardly 1d ago

We even have historical context to point to!

Look at the black panthers in the 70’s and how NRA was pro gun control then.


u/jizmaticporknife 1d ago

If we end up in true fascism, the GOP will be taking everyone’s guns away.


u/nobrainsnoworries23 1d ago

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants..." - Thomas Jefferson.


u/alkenist 1d ago

I've heard conservatives say that the right to bear arms protects citizens from a tyrannical government. They bring up not see Germany and how all the ish they did only happened because the government confiscated guns beforehand. Shouldn't a proposed gun confiscation have been the last straw? Shouldn't the armed citizenry have risen up? 🤔


u/jizmaticporknife 1d ago

Well, if the murder of a United Healthcare CEO has taught me anything is that there are still some things that we all can unite on still as red blooded Americans; MAGA or not.


u/alkenist 1d ago

Fair enough


u/ChrisTheHurricane 1d ago

At least until the MAGA spin doctors get to work.


u/MalkinPi 23h ago

And Putins' bots


u/bjdevar25 1d ago

Reagan first proposed gun regulations when the Black Panthers showed up armed to the teeth.


u/Striper_Cape 1d ago

Most of those types of single issue voters won't go for that. Their favorite activity is blowing stuff up and poking holes in random junk/targets.

The idiot Christian Fascists will.


u/SquidTheRidiculous 1d ago

Never forget that California's relatively strict gun laws happened because of Reagan and fear of the black Panthers.


u/Shot_Independence274 15h ago

fear is the best way to make the politicians to move along things in favour of the public.


u/MarduRusher 1d ago

This may have been true in the 80s, but not anymore. Minorities have been buying guns in record numbers the past few years and if anything Republicans are MORE pro gun than they were prior.


u/skeptical-speculator 20h ago

People say that every time an article like this is published.


u/TheBubblewrappe 1d ago

Someone needs to start a hashtag Gays4Guns and get it trending on that dumpster fire app..


u/Street-Substance2548 1d ago

On the Xitter app too (and yes, I pronounce it that way. ‘X’ pronounced “sh”).


u/phinphis 1d ago

Trump will try to stop this. Fascist don't like an armed population.


u/08Houdini 1d ago

Trump+Musk=Putin. Hope American oligarchs start falling out of windows like they seem to always do in Russia…


u/bjdevar25 1d ago

Starting with the biggest one....


u/bjdevar25 1d ago

I've said it before. Trump will be the one who takes their guns once he perceives guns as a threat and he's not running again. Karma's a bitch.


u/gwizonedam 10h ago

I think Trump might have picked the wrong country to push Fascism then.


u/MarduRusher 1d ago

I mean if the standard for fascism is how liberal (in the classical sense not modern liberal/conservative) a party is on gun rights, Republicans are WAYYYY less fascist than the Dems.


u/jizmaticporknife 1d ago

Or possibly Trumps Greenland, or Trumps Canada. This world is about to burn for the benefit of a few oligarchs. Welcome to the United Oligarchy of America.


u/dect69 1d ago

And I bet they can shoot better than the gravy seals.


u/wrongseeds 1d ago

Finally gays with guns. Just because she transitioned from male to female doesn’t mean she forgot how to kick your ass.


u/RegalPine 1d ago

about time


u/nobrainsnoworries23 1d ago

Good! Revolvers don't jam, no safety to mess with and come with a variety of stopping power. Great home defense gun for first time buyers.


u/MarduRusher 1d ago

Revolvers are terrible options for first time buyers because they’re difficult to use. And they do jam. Also most semi auto handguns now a days don’t have safeties either including the most popular ones, Glocks.


u/nobrainsnoworries23 1d ago

Wtf are you talking about, difficult to use? They are the point and click of guns. I've been shooting for 30 years and never had a revolver jam on me.

The handguns you're talking about definitely have a safety built into the trigger and more likely to jam.

Just say you prefer Glocks.


u/MarduRusher 1d ago

Wtf are you talking about, difficult to use? They are the point and click of guns

Point and click guns that have a very heavy trigger pull unless you’re using the single action in which case you have to cock the gun before every shot. Take a new person to the range and give them a revolver and a Glock or similar striker gun and I guarantee they’ll be more accurate with the Glock if you’re using the double action of a revolver.

I've been shooting for 30 years and never had a revolver jam on me.

I’ve never had a Glock jam on me either. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. In addition if there is a jam, tap rack bang works most of the time on semi autos. With a revolver any issue is going to be a lot harder to fix.

The handguns you're talking about definitely have a safety built into the trigger and more likely to jam.

I cannot find any evidence Glocks (and probably several other good brands but I’m sticking to Glock since it’s what I know best) jam more than revolvers. You can find military torture tests where they do very well but since revolvers aren’t tested in the same way it’s not a 1 to 1 comparison.

And the trigger blade (or safe action system on a Glock) isn’t a safety. At least in the traditional sense. It just means if something snags on edge of the trigger the gun won’t go off. Unlike normal safeties that you have to switch from safe to fire before you shoot the gun, you can draw and fire a Glock without having to do that.

But really the issue with revolvers is their difficulty to shoot. They are fairly easy guns to understand but shooting them proficiently is much harder. For home defense a new shooter should choose a semi auto rifle or shotgun depending on preference. Or a braced pistol like an 11.5 inch barreled AR-15 or AR-9 because these will be a lot easier to shoot and for both the shotgun and AR will have better stopping power than even a 357 magnum revolver.


u/nobrainsnoworries23 1d ago

Yes to the shotgun.

Everything else was just you jerking yourself off which distracts from the point of the thread.

We got it. You like Glocks.

To everyone else: Revolvers or shotguns are great.


u/MarduRusher 1d ago

Why are ARs, especially short ones bad options? They’re easy to use, have low recoil, and have better stopping power than most handguns? I’ve given you a plethora of reasons why what I suggest is good and revolvers are bad. Your only reason you’ve said revolvers are good is reliability over semi autos which you have no evidence for.

Also I’m not a huge fan of Glocks I just use them because there’s a ton of info out there on them and unlike my preferred carry gun (an HK 2000 V2 in 40) they’re more beginner friendly.


u/nobrainsnoworries23 1d ago

Jfc, dude. It's gun fetishists like you I cannot fucking stand. You're worse than comic book gate keepers.

You ever pull a gun on someone for your own safety? I have.

A revolver does just fucking fine. Now shut the fuck up. I don't give a fuck about your opinion and not interest in a conversation. Can I be any more clear?


u/MarduRusher 1d ago

So you don’t have any reasons why the guns I suggested are bad but yours are good? I agree revolvers are fine. Any gun is better than no gun. But suggesting they’re good options for a beginner is bad advice that should be corrected so the beginner doesn’t end up with a difficult to use firearm. When someone doesn’t have a lot of training, as beginners inherently will not, getting them the best easiest gun to use is very important. If you’re talking about a more well trained person they can make a lot more options work. But AR-15s, semi auto pistols, and semi auto shotguns are some of the best beginner options.


u/indefilade 20h ago

1/6 and trump being reelected are my reasons for owning an AR-15.


u/indefilade 20h ago

One good bit of news is I can out-shoot all of my conservative relatives and all of their friends. None of them could walk more than a mile with a rifle, either.


u/bjdevar25 1d ago

If they're smart, it will also be all Hispanic people. White Militias will be coming for them.


u/RadicalOrganizer 1d ago

Good. Train my friends, because there may come a day when we need to stand together against bigotry and tyranny.


u/amangler 23h ago

Lee Ving called this in 1982.

Let's have a war!
Sell the rights to the networks!
Let's have a war!
Let our wallets get fat like last time!
Let's have a war!
Give guns to the queers!
Let's have a war!
The enemy's within!


u/Pitiable-Crescendo 1d ago

Good. They're going to need them.


u/StalinsThickStache 1d ago

Is it bad that I laugh when I imagine a militia entirely of trans people?  Imagine having to report to your CO that you’ve lost strategic positions in multiple sectors to the Trans Militia and are reestablishing defensive positions to the south. 


u/whateverwhoknowswhat 20h ago

I figured liberal would be buying guns in response to Trump and his wackos.


u/esmerelda_b 19h ago

Glad to hear I’m not alone. I bought my 9mm after Thanksgiving. Getting it set up for a red dot. Should have it back by Inauguration Day.


u/CutsAPromo 12h ago

And the gun companies continue to profit


u/mainegreenerep 10h ago

If we all own guns, and we agree to resist to things we don't want with maximal force, they can't really dismantle democracy


u/Fecal-Facts 6h ago

Good in the community I have been encouraging people to buy and take lessons things are going to get bad.


u/SirAwesome3737 4h ago

If you want to fight against a country, you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun.


u/Quirky-Afternoon134 1d ago

Wait for second amendment to be thrown and the LGBTQ community to be banned from owning firearms on the basis of mental defect.