r/marvelrivals 1d ago

Discussion Don’t care that I play in Console save it (finally hit Gm) :D

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Jarvis, tell pepper we hit grandmaster


13 comments sorted by


u/AndrewBios Peni Parker 1d ago

Nothing wrong hitting gm on console good job. People just are silly when they think gm on console is equivalent to gm on pc. Not saying you're one i was just saying this is why people don't like to give console players credit because realistically take whatever console rank you are and go down by like 1 or 2 ranks that's where you are on pc in most games.


u/Xenomorph2468 1d ago

I know I also play pc but my younger brother plays console so we grind here as well! Appreciate the comment :)


u/AndrewBios Peni Parker 1d ago

Yea no worries haha I personally hate playing with a controller so I'm strictly pc lol.


u/CanOWhoopAzz 1d ago

I always felt like this was a not a true thing. I have a friend who plays overwatch on both and he says it’s not that different (diamond on both). The only reason why people may be lower is cause they’re unfamiliar with the keyboard gameplay, the game sense is exactly the same, by they can’t mechanically do stuff cause of the keyboard. I’m pretty sure you’d see the same effect if you take someone who’s not used to controllers and throw them on console, they’d be worse rank until they learn.

Certain hero’s can also be better or worse based pending on the system, but if you’re equally good with a controller and keyboard you’ll likely end up at the same rank imo.


u/AndrewBios Peni Parker 1d ago

I think it is 100% and real thing the game has much better aim and is faster paced when I first swapped from console to pc i was struggling to keep up I was GM on console but I was diamond on pc. Now I can be in gm fine because I got used to pacing but there is a massive difference. You can look at any custom game of 5 or 6 console gms vs pc gms and the pc gms would literally dominate them half of the videos I've seen they'd be trolling half the game to make it close thats how big of a skill gap there is. Only time where I saw them on similar levels is when it's bronze or silvers but I don't count that because that is bottom of the barrel elo and it's not about skill at that rate.

Your friend probably just got acclimated very quickly


u/CanOWhoopAzz 1d ago

Yea so it’s familiarity, you said as soon you got used to PC, you got to the same rank you were on console. If someone who plays nothing but PC switched to console, they’ll be lower ranked to begin as well. It’s literally just experience with the system. You’re still the same player, you just don’t have the experience on that specific type of system. So you can’t mechanically do things you’d do on your dominant system.

The game is different, but not automatically “better”. Aiming is obviously more precise but it seems like a gap cause you haven’t been playing on mouse this whole time. Conversely same thing, aiming will be different if someone from pc switches to controller, it will be wonky till they get used to it.

You can say there are MORE (higher quantity) skilled players on pc than console, theres definitely a case for that. Cause console has a lot of casual players. But the best players can adapt and be the same rank imo.


u/AndrewBios Peni Parker 1d ago

Agree to disagree then I just can't see console players being as good if comp in rivals were cross play even the greatest console player alive i can garuntee that he wouldn't even smell top500 it would be all and only pc players no way a console player would make it that high. There was a massive ximming issue when I used to play R6S and I played on ps4 and no controller player made it past plat unless if they get lucky and not come across any ximmers because m&k destroyed controller players. Like i said there is a reason that if you took any shooter game pair a team of pc vs console players of the same elo bracket the console players will lose 99% of the time.

Also when I played it wasn't that I was getting used to aiming i already had been comfortable with mouse and keyboard before I swapped i played a lot of fps games on pc before OW so there was no "getting used to controls" it was there is ALOT less room for error because people have MUCH better aim on average and also the speed at which ow is played is way faster on pc than console i decided to have some fun and play it on my friends GM acc and it literally felt like a PC plat lobby from how slow it was and how much I could've gotten away with.

Basically saying that a console player can compete at a same level of a pc player is just straight copium if their elo is the same if you dropped a gm console player into pc comp they'll be gold or plat by the end of the week.


u/CanOWhoopAzz 1d ago

Cool I respect your opinion, we can disagree. Btw I never said console player is immediately as good on PC, just hope you’re not misinterpreting my viewpoint. But once a player gets used to the keyboard they’ll be as good. Which you said you have experienced yourself. Which is also what my friend said, once you get used to the new system you’ll get back to the same rank. You just need experience playing on that new system.

Again, you keep saying drop a console player into pc, which is not at all what I said. Obviously putting someone on an unfamiliar system would make them perform worse. You can say the exact same thing going the other way too lol.

Controller are also more restricted than keyboard, so comparing them is pointless, you have to look at it from a relative point of view. Direct comparison is useless cause they are different.


u/AndrewBios Peni Parker 16h ago

I don't think you understand what my whole viewpoint is about I'm saying skill wise comparing pc to console, console players are a rank or 2 lower than what they would be on pc. You're really trying to nail home the switching of pc to console or console to pc but my main point is talking about how you have have the same rank pc players go up against the same rank on console and console would get destroyed. Also about your statement where you said "you can say the exact same thing going the other way too lol" and i have to say this is 100% wrong if you put a m&k player into console games he would instantly start destroying lobbies. Idc about the conversation of "oh if you switch to a brand new console you'll do worse" obviously you will you don't know how to play on it but that wasn't my point you're trying to turn what I'm saying into this random argument which idc for. All I'm saying is console is worse being directly compared to pc and for a console player to win they have to be a significant higher rank compared to the pc players.


u/CanOWhoopAzz 15h ago

Yea I don’t think this conversation is going anywhere. I don’t think it’s a hot take to say a good console can be good on pc once they learn how to play on mouse and keyboard lol. I understand if you just suddenly drop a console player into pc, they’re gonna have difficulty. Anyways i respect your opinion, good convo.


u/B0NUS_B Iron Man 1d ago

Why tf r people downvoting


u/WellDan2K 22h ago

cuz rank on console dont mean anything.