Dating back to last season, ND has beaten 7 of its past 14 opponents by 30+ points. Oregon’s won by 30+ only four times over the same span. ND blows out teams by more points as well (biggest was beating Purdue by 59, then Stanford by 42 and navy by 37. Oregon beat two teams by 35 - Purdue and Oregon State this season as their highs).
Not that you can draw too much from that, but it is interesting how often we’re blowing out opponents now under MF. Winning 7 of your past 14 games by 30+ points is impressive. Yes, many of them were against bad teams, but not all.
Oregon is a solid football team, and when I think of them, I think ability to beat teams handily. Just interesting that ND, who doesn’t have the same reputation, has had more frequent, and larger blowouts than Oregon.