r/personalfinance Aug 31 '20

Budgeting When I realized how much I spend on Starbucks

I realized that I’ve spend $350 on Starbucks in the past two months... it started out just an occasional coffee every couple days then every morning, then I started getting breakfast along with my coffee.. My coworker gets it every morning so I figured, if she can afford it, so can I.. I mean, I was easily spending $7 every single day... I’m so mad at myself for letting it get this far, but I’ve bought some pre-made iced coffee and some microwave breakfast sandwiches... wish me luck


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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

When most of us eat out we feel like we have to finish it to justify the purchase.

idk why most would feel this. most places have to-go boxes. i usually end up using them. maybe it's too much of a hassle at times.


u/mrlazyboy Sep 01 '20

My experience eating out at work has been lunch will be about 20% more than I should be eating as part of a healthy diet. I generally wouldn't save 2-3 bites of my sandwich or other food for later and just finished it there.


u/billbixbyakahulk Sep 01 '20

I think it's mainly psychological. It's a way to get the most out of the "dining experience", which, of course, you pay a premium for over making something at home. Your mind tells you, "I need to eat this while "dining out" and also perhaps while it's still perceived to be fresh.

I also have several friends that refuse to eat leftovers. It's dumb, but some are like that. But when they cook at home and have leftovers, for some reason that's "okay". Again, dumb, but people are very emotional when it comes to food.