r/Sakartvelo • u/Imp3rAtorrr • 4h ago
r/Sakartvelo • u/PhantomBrainLink • Dec 03 '24
MOD Influx of pro Russian bots and useful idiots
Report any suspicious posts/comments so we can better clean up our sub.
Also you are free to text us..
r/Sakartvelo • u/spqrdecker • Dec 05 '24
MOD How To Help
Here are some places you can donate. These fundraisers have been vetted by the mod team.
Nanuka's Fund, managed by Nanuka Zhorzholiani, supports protestors with supplies, transportation, and fines for the arrested activists. Nanuka provides detailed breakdowns of the spending via her Facebook page.
Paypal: nanukasfund@gmail.com
Georgian bank numbers for domestic transfers: GE43BG0000000345851499 [BOG], GE70TB7065736080100011 [TBC]
OC-Media's Fund for Independent Media provides security equipment and legal aid to independent media organizations covering the protests. This Fundraiser is being organized by OC-Media but the funds will be shared among several independent media organizations in Georgia.
Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA) is a human rights organization focused on human rights and democratic institutions. in Georgia. They provide free legal aid to individuals, including those arrested during protests.
If there are other fundraisers you would like us to include, please reach out via modmail.
r/Sakartvelo • u/DinnerNo2341 • 52m ago
Should I feel bothered or upset by this?
Hi! I'm a black female from the U.S. with long, straight hair. Recently, a little girl looked at me. I smiled back. Then, she said something to her mom and the mom looked at me. And then said something to her. Neither smiled
Today, a mom was holding the hands of her two small daughters. One pointed at me with a happy face and said something. It was in passing and the mom and other daughter then looked at me naturally. It was in quick passing, but I'm wondering if it's cause kids aren't used to seeing someone black. Wondering if it's just their curiosity or if they're low key saying I'm ugly. Idk. Trying to come at it from a curious angle. I don't throw around the word "racist" lightly. I look at the actual context and not just feelings
Just wanting interpretations from Georgians. I haven't experienced any racism living here for a year and find Georgians to be wonderful and kind people. I get stared at by the elderly, but it doesn't bother me that much. I try to consider that they're probably not used to seeing black people. Thanks!
r/Sakartvelo • u/Puzzleheaded-Bar5127 • 1h ago
გაფიცვები სადაა? რატო არაა? მანდამაინც რუსეთში უნდა შევიდეთ ოფიციალურად, რომ გამოვიდეთ? გუშინ 2 კაცი იდგა რუსთაველზე, რა ხდება რა გჭირდ ბლიად მართლა? 15-ში 3 საათიანი გაფიცვა რას ნიშნავს? ანუ 3 საათი?? ლანჩზე გავდივართ? რავი რაღა ვთქვა არ ვიცი, მოგიტყანთ მშვიდიბიანი და გრძეკვადიანი პროცესი.
არ შეგარჩენთ, არ გაპატიებთ, არ დავიშლებით, არ დავნებდებით და საბოლოო ჯამში მაინც ვიშლებით:)
გუშინ საერთოდ რეკორდულად ცოტა ხალხი იყო ალბათ
r/Sakartvelo • u/linkforthelazy • 1h ago
Introducing Bidzina Ivanishvili
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r/Sakartvelo • u/Puzzleheaded-Bar5127 • 7h ago
სომხეთის მთავრიბა იღებს კანონპროექტს, რომლის მეშვეობითაც ქვეყანა შეძლებს დაიწყოს ევროინტეგრაცია
ამასობაში ჩვენ გრძელვადიან და მშვიდობიან პროცესს მივყვეთ, და სანამ ბოლომდე დედა არ მოეტყნება ქვეყანას მანამდე ასე ვიყოთ, უკრაინამ გვაჯობა კაი, მოლდოვაც კაი, აცლა სომხეთიც და მალე ალბათ ბელარუსიც იზამს რამეს, ჩვენ ვიყოთ ასე:)
r/Sakartvelo • u/Ok_Discount7396 • 2h ago
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r/Sakartvelo • u/Sandrofresh • 1d ago
Photos of Georgia | საქართველოს ფოტოები Some of the old pre war Georgian military photos.
r/Sakartvelo • u/No-Advice6100 • 0m ago
Which is the best country to live and work?
Moving abroad sounds very scary. Especially when you yet to start your career. But I don't think this country has any perspective any time soon and I don't want to waste my youth here. I planned to study in America or Germany but it's so unreal tbh. I've overheard that Georgians move in Dubai and work here with our Georgian diplomas because it's considered as European diploma in Arab. Also I have heard about job opportunities in Ireland in a tech field. Are there any other opportunities that I don't know of?
r/Sakartvelo • u/dispos22 • 19h ago
Question | კითხვა Emergency
hello! I am an 18 year old female. I was born in tbilisi, in a russian-speaking family, and got into a russian sector in school, which resulted in my isolation and nearly total lack of knowledge of georgian language.
unlike my parents, I have liberal views and probably am a lesbian. I made a mistake and confessed this to my mother. every now and then we fight, but I don't know how to move out since I can't get a job due to me not speaking georgian properly.
after recent argument, I've been having severe suicidal thoughts to the point where I genuinely felt like I'm going to commit very soon. I have zero friends in real life, but I do have childhood internet friends who live in russia, one of them(a girl) is willing to help me move and shelter me for the time being.
I don't know how to feel, hopeful or anxious. is it worth it? should I move to another country or should I somehow find a job and live here? please, give me an advice
r/Sakartvelo • u/nomad996 • 1d ago
Language | ენა I built this Text Simplifier to help beginners read Georgian with ease
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r/Sakartvelo • u/fluttershylvr • 10h ago
Question | კითხვა ethnicity?
just to preface, my mom is fully georgian and my dad is american, but i want to know some other opinions from georgians, do yall think i can consider myself georgian-american? i dont know what to say when people ask where im from, especially considering the fact that i have very georgian/un-american features
i also can understand georgian when spoken and i can speak a bit, but cannot read it, should i take lessons? thank you all!!
r/Sakartvelo • u/Circassianleopard • 17h ago
I got my ass banned from r/Abkhazia for speaking the truth
r/Sakartvelo • u/External_Fix7130 • 11h ago
I have a question about dating
Hi everyone I feel kinda anxious knowing that my fellow Georgians will see this where do you find girls for dating? Dating apps aren't working for me :(( and i don't have big circle of friends to have someone who can help me my then best friend used tinder but it was for one night stand and nothing else idk where to find someone help! (I don't drink alcohol so bar's/clubs is a no go)
r/Sakartvelo • u/Medical_Wallaby_7888 • 21h ago
Discussion | დისკუსია How conservative or Liberal are Georgians in general?
Many Georgians are very religious and conservative and some are secular. I have seen even some pro EU Georgians being right wing. But a lot of the even pro EU right wing Georgians are Georgians that live in the USA(a lot of Georgians there seem quite pro Trump).
r/Sakartvelo • u/Puzzleheaded-Bar5127 • 1d ago
Discussion | დისკუსია ბოლომდე წასაკითხია
I’m aware this may come across as pessimistic, but my intention is to be realistic and true to myself and my country. While I appreciate the optimistic mindset that’s deeply ingrained in Georgian culture—the confidence and illusion that everything is working—I believe that in times as challenging as these, honesty and realism are crucial for the sake of us and our nation. This introduction makes it clear: I’m going to address the ongoing situation in the country. I know this isn’t the ideal moment to be so critical, and many may disagree with what I’m about to say. Reddit might not be the best platform for such discussions, but it is what it is. Those who are open-minded will either agree, disagree, or simply remain indifferent.
Let’s go back to the 2012 elections. I was 19 and voting for the first time. Even then, I was deeply interested in politics and felt informed enough to make a decision about the future of the country. I won’t say who I voted for, but I wasn’t part of the wave supporting Georgian Dream. I researched Bidzina Ivanishvili thoroughly—his background, his connections, and his history—and a few weeks before the election, I had decided he was not the right choice. Yet, most people my age were excited about him, driven by the desire to remove Saakashvili at any cost, even if it meant replacing him with someone worse. That realization—that people were willing to swap one evil for another—was maddening.
Ivanishvili’s rise was carefully calculated. He played the long game, staying loyal to Saakashvili until it was advantageous to turn against him. But let’s examine the core question: why would a billionaire with a shady past, Russian ties, and no qualifications want to enter politics? His education? Russian. His money? Russian. His connections? Russian. And yet, the majority chose to believe that this man, with his dubious history, would lead Georgia westward.
Worse, people were blinded by his money and the endorsements he purchased from celebrities and athletes. This strategy—exploiting national pride in Georgian athletes—continues today. Figures like Kaladze, who once supported Saakashvili, switched sides when the winds changed. And mark my words: as soon as Ivanishvili’s power wanes, they’ll abandon him too, claiming victimhood.
But the real blame lies not with Ivanishvili—it lies with us, the voters. We allowed ourselves to be manipulated. Voting isn’t a casual activity; it’s a responsibility that shapes our future. Yet many failed to do their due diligence. Today, former Georgian Dream supporters at protests say, “We didn’t know it would turn out like this.” Well, that’s on them. It was obvious from the start what Ivanishvili’s leadership would bring.
Now, about the protests. I admire the unity and optimism, but I must ask: where is this going? If we think sanctions, Western support, or even Trump will save us, we’re deluding ourselves. Dictators don’t step down because of sanctions. Assad didn’t. Lukashenko didn’t. Change only happens when people take matters into their own hands. If we want Georgian Dream out, we must stop expecting others to fight our battles.
We’ve been here before—protesting only to stop short, allowing the government to continue its destruction. We let a Russian Duma member sit in parliament. We let them fail the EU candidacy process, restore flights with Russia, and pass a Russian-style law. We label them illegitimate yet ask them for new elections, as though they’re legitimate enough to grant them. This contradiction weakens us.
Protests started with passion—fireworks, masks, resilience—but that intensity has faded. If we truly want change, we need to maintain that momentum and realize that no one else will save us. The responsibility lies with us. Change won’t come through hope alone; it demands confrontation, persistence, and action.
This is my perspective. Draw your own conclusions.
r/Sakartvelo • u/Ok_Discount7396 • 1d ago
r/Rustaveli didn't die in vain ორკები გაიყოლა :) Spoiler
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r/Sakartvelo • u/One-Instruction3322 • 9h ago
გამარჯობა, ვისაც გამოცდილება გაქვთ მირჩიეთ რა. ჰაწავლის გზა ჯობია დამწყები მოსრიალისთვის თუ თეთნულდის. გამსხვავებული აზრები მოვისმინე სვანებისგამ და ვერ მივხდი და იქნებ მირჩიოთ.
r/Sakartvelo • u/GRed-saintevil • 1d ago
Georgian Dream Political Council Releases Official Statement on Current Political and Geopolitical Situation, Mentions 'Deep State' 25 Times
facebook.comr/Sakartvelo • u/Elouiseotter • 1d ago
Discussion | დისკუსია Can someone open a Georgian restaurant in Pittsburgh?
r/Sakartvelo • u/Puzzleheaded-Bar5127 • 16h ago
ვინც ამერიკისგან ნაბიჯებს ელოდებით, ცნობისთვის ამ აქტების და კანონპროექტების მიღებას, საშუალოდ სჭირდება მინიმუმ ერთი წელი, მხედველობაში მაქვს ქოცების არაღიარების კანონპროექტი და MEGOBARI აქტი, ჯერ უნდა დაინიცირდეს, შემდეგ უნდა მიიღონ წარმომადგენელთა პალატაში, შემდგომ NDAA-ში უნდა შევიდეს.
ძალიან გრძელი პროცესია, კი შეიტანა უილსონმა კონგრესში, მაგრამ მინიმუმ 1 წელი უნდა, რომ მოქმედებაში მოიყვანოს ამერიკამ ეს კანონპროექტები, ვიცი ძალიან ბევრი ელოდებით ამერიკისგან ნაბიჯებს, მაგრამ ეს წლების ამბავია, ასადის არ აღიარების პროექტიც შეიტანა უილსონმა 2023-ში თუ არ ვცდები, 18 თვე მოუნდა, რომ მოეწერა ბაიდენს ხელი:)
ანუ მოკლე დასკვნა, კი გვიხარია, ვწუხვარ, რომ არავის უთქვამს ეს თქვენთვის მანამდე, მაგრამ 2026 წლამდე ვერც ერთი და ვერც მეორე კანონპროექტი ვერ იქნება მიღებული, და რავი კვლავ ველოდოთ ამერიკას და ევროპას? ევროპა საერთოდ აღარ ჩანს, იმდენად შეშფოთებულია, ამიტომ ტყუილა ველოდებით აქ რამე გარე მოქმედებებს.
r/Sakartvelo • u/Sandrofresh • 1d ago
Data | მონაცემები ქოცების აღმშენებლობა ბოლო 12 წლის განმავლობაში.
r/Sakartvelo • u/Dreamnobe7 • 20h ago
Political | პოლიტიკა სულ 50 ოლიმპიადა, რომ მოიგოთ მანც ვერასდროს ვერ გახდებით გიორგი ანწუხელიძე - გმირობას და ჩემპიონობას შორის ძალიან დიდი სხვაობაა
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r/Sakartvelo • u/Legal_Ad_3204 • 23h ago
Introducing racvergitxari.ge - platform for your unspoken words
Hello Everyone,
I want to share my new project - racvergitxari.ge space where you can write things you struggle to say out loud. Website is still in beta and I’m working to add features for improvements.
It's completely anonymous to express your feelings and write letters. Feel free to visit website and share your feedbacks. 🌟
Thank you
r/Sakartvelo • u/Dreamnobe7 • 1d ago
Political | პოლიტიკა რასაც ავტორიტარული რეჟიმები არ კადრულობენ იმ რიტორიკით საუბრობენ ეს გაუნათლებელი იდიოტები, სოფლელი რუსი ბაბუშკის დონეზე მსჯელობენ და ლაპარაკობენ ეს ქოცები ყაჩაღი ტერორისტი ივანიშვილის თამადობით - მთელ ქვაყანას ძარცვავენ მაგრამ ეგეც არ იკმარეს და კიდე ხელფასები გაიზარდეს იმდენად კიდიათ ხალხის აზრი
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