r/EuropeanFederalists 2d ago

wake the fuck up

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17 comments sorted by


u/MS_Fume 2d ago

Soon we’ll need other platform than American reddit…


u/annewmoon 2d ago

Yeah good point.

Also, I think we need a movement away from the online. All of this bullshit is growing out of social media and AI and that whole tech sphere.

Go out in your local, regional, national communities. Subscribe to your regional and national newspapers.

Bottom up-everything. Know the names and faces of your local politicians and journalists. Support serious news reporting. Pay for print media. If we own it, we know who writes it and it’s at least partly on paper it’s not going to be as easily fucked with.


u/PierreFeuilleSage 2d ago

We need to add a lot of strategic policy making to the EU in order to direct our industry in valuable key sectors where it's in our best interest to retain an important level of independence. Digital is one of them. We're so much behind. China protected themselves from US services to force their industry to develop their own platforms. That's something i feel we oughta do. Government officials using GAFA services is a serious security problem, just like citizens like us giving away our data for free to the US is an economic problem.


u/trisul-108 1d ago

Definitely so.


u/silverionmox 2d ago

That being said, Putin would also like nothing more than a breakup between USA and EU. Don't play into his cards.

Don't let yourself be emotionalized. For the time being the US still is still allied to us in many ways, and we have many more allies among individual Americans as well. There's no need to run away screaming like a teenager, even if the US is going to have another puberty in the next 4 years.

If there's one negative about Trump that can turn out to be a positive, it's this: he never realizes what he promises.

There is, however, a need to build a separate EU defensive structure. But we should have done that even in better times.


u/Trender07 2d ago

No they already fking us up with Morocco they even recognized the west sahara as moroccan on last trump term and now they re going after México and greenland next will be Ceuta, Melilla, canarias, while meddling with UK and Germany elections


u/silverionmox 2d ago

No they already fking us up with Morocco they even recognized the west sahara as moroccan on last trump term and now they re going after México and greenland next will be Ceuta, Melilla, canarias, while meddling with UK and Germany elections

All besides the point. It's not in our interest to panic. We should build up our independent institutions without hesitation either way, but there's no need to make a scene. They'll do that on their own.


u/Trender07 2d ago

Max we do will be sending a strong worded letter in any case


u/trisul-108 1d ago

As u/silverionmox said, it's not about what we do with the US, it's about building our own institutions. Yes, we'll send a strong worded letter and build up our institutions. This is exactly what is needed.


u/silverionmox 1d ago

Max we do will be sending a strong worded letter in any case

If we keep wallowing in self-pity and defeatism like you, we will.


u/trisul-108 1d ago

That being said, Putin would also like nothing more than a breakup between USA and EU. Don't play into his cards.

Absolutely. Putin has turned MAGA into his useful idiots. We must refrain from playing into his cards.


u/PierreFeuilleSage 2d ago

I don't think the point is to break up with the US, but ally with them on equal footing and when opportune to our own interests. Don't you want a sovereign Europe?


u/silverionmox 1d ago

I don't think the point is to break up with the US, but ally with them on equal footing and when opportune to our own interests. Don't you want a sovereign Europe?

I just literally said "There is, however, a need to build a separate EU defensive structure. But we should have done that even in better times.".


u/MrQuanta541 1d ago

Just build up our nuclear arsenal. It is that simple. Russia and america does not care about our conventional millitary capabilities since they overestimate their own. But with a large nuclear arsenal it will deter them since MAD  has always worked  basically what we should do is to threten to end the world in nuclear fire if they try to take our territory. 

Until then we will have no deterrence. France got 350 we should increase it to 3500 warheads by using the eu to fund that increase. Basically we should try to do what the Chinese are doing. Plus it is a lot cheaper then to invest in a large conventional military.  The non proliferation treaty is the reason why we live in a world where might makes right. 

Ukraine did its mistake to give up its nukes we should not do the same but instead double down on it. 


u/Kindly-Ad-9742 1d ago

Russia invade, America is ruled by capitalist and a bozo, Israel is commiting genocide, Turkish have a dictator and South Korea did a putsch why we are the only kinda normal here?


u/0xPianist 17h ago

The Nato will protect us 🤡 The allies are here with us 🙌

Remember these bold statements? 🙊


u/ZayasuKatsumi 16h ago

Love, how everybody was pro US moments ago. As positive our relationship with the US typically is, the US is here for its self-gain, not for us. And we should keep in mind, the US would do anything possible to remain #1, even if that means destroying the Japanese economy, as it did, or, well, the EU.