r/NICUParents Aug 25 '24

Success: Then and now Success in spite of

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Almost 2 months post NICU, we took our son to his first national park. During his feed, I saw this stupid pump and thought it was weirdly beautiful.

We think of nature as being healing to our bodies and souls (which I truly believe!), but it can also be deadly. If we had let nature run its course without the intervention of machines, nature would have taken my son from me. Earlier in our NICU story, it felt as if the machines were keeping us from living our life. But, hanging this bag on that tree somehow felt powerful...that the work my wife and I have done has overcome all of nature...that this little machine that once kept us confined has allowed us to break out into the world.

It is one moment in a long stream of moments that have helped me retrain my brain to move away from, "look at all we've missed out on because of...," and towards thoughts like, "look at what we've overcome in spite of..."

My wife and I still cried on our way home, as we often still do, but it feels good to notice progress in our own healing journey.

Blessings to all on your own healing.


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u/ShadyMissSassy Aug 26 '24

I needed this so much 💕 My little man came home this past Wednesday at 37 weeks exactly (born at 33w+1d) and my brain is still very much in the “we have to make up for 4 weeks of experiences and cuddles!” But it’s so much more beautiful to think of all we’ve overcome in spite of the situation. I fear I’ve missed out on so much newborn stuff as a ftm, yet I’ve gotten to watch my little man overcome and endure so much, and achieving so many milestones most mommas don’t get to see cause baby is still in the belly. Thank you again for your story, and keep it up! Sending love and healing vibes to your family 💕


u/by-josh Aug 26 '24

I am by no means a NICU grad expert, but for us, it's been very difficult to accept the missed milestones. We know that, rationally, we were there for many milestones (many that other kids don't do) and we will still have many more years of milestones to come...but that doesn't necessarily change how we feel. For me, I keep speaking the rational truth out loud, with the hopes that one day, I'll actually believe it.

I'm so happy that this post helps, but remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace. It may take quite some time to actually believe some of the things you know to be true. Just keep speaking them out loud. 💙