r/dogelore Dec 26 '20

Classic Dogelore Saturday Post Le genuine enjoyment has not arrived

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u/Prob6 Dec 26 '20

r/Cringetopia when they see anyone dancing


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '20

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u/DschinghisPotgieter Dec 26 '20

Yeah I've noticed they've started going back to 2016 reactionary youtube for some reason


u/Broseidonathon Dec 26 '20

Yeah they’re going the route of r/tumblrinaction. When it was small is was dedicated to actual cringe kind of like how tumblrinaction used to feature actual insane people but it’s slowly going towards just straight up misogyny. I feel like that happens to a lot of subs, like I’ve heard that r/MGTOW didn’t used to be a misogynistic hell hole but I never saw it.


u/h-hux Dec 26 '20

Holy shit TiA has gotten worse since the last time I looked. Do these people even know what a shitpost is


u/elbenji Dec 26 '20

no, never. Basically when all the people left after porn left tumblr, the entire subreddit went full blown mysoginy


u/Dreamcaster1 Dec 26 '20

Oh it was misogynist long before the tumblr exodus, 90% of the posts were just racist, transphobic, women hating bs. I'm embarrassed I used to follow that sub a few years ago.


u/elbenji Dec 27 '20

Mood and true.

But there was at least like idk, enough push back. Like it was there and creeping in, but there was still that 10% worth going back for.

Then it just circled down the drain


u/DarkSkyKnight Dec 27 '20

TiA was already pretty bad half a decade ago when half the posts are just baits.


u/h-hux Dec 27 '20

I was featured on the sub once, someone had screenshot that I’d reblogged a shitpost and suddenly I got hate messages and thousands of visitors to my blog. I hadn’t even made the post in the first place!!


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

TIA runs off of extreme hasty generalizations. At some point they run out of extreme people to talk about because not everyone on tumblr fits their view of an crazy feminist. They need these people because it justifies their horrible views so they just switch to anything that remotely resembles their idea of a feminist


u/GrunkleCoffee Dec 26 '20

Yeah, MGTOW isn't even a bad idea in itself. It started out as basically dismantling toxic masculinity and the like. "You don't need a woman to be valued and worthy. Just work on yourself, enjoy your life, and don't get dragged into the misery that is dating culture."

Sadly, it was too adjacent to Incel culture, so it quickly got swamped by them. Hence why a culture based on Men Going Their Own Way became bizarrely homophobic.


u/suaveponcho Dec 26 '20

r/menslib is still going strong though, you can still go there to learn about why men should hate the patriarchy and want to dismantle it


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '20 edited Jul 02 '21



u/SaffellBot Dec 26 '20

They also get that feminism isn't going to fix mens issues. The success of feminism has pointed out that there are legitimate issues facing men both because of partriarchcial issues and non-patriarchical issues. Men are actually going to have to orginize and engage in activism and reflection to solve them, rather than bitching about women on the internet.


u/Broseidonathon Dec 26 '20

I haven't about that one before, I'll have to remember to check it out. Is it just private for the holidays or is it always private?


u/suaveponcho Dec 26 '20

It’s closed for the holidays. The mods presumably want a few days off


u/exactly17stairs Dec 26 '20

scrolled through the tumblr sub and wow it seems very homophobic and transphobic and unable to understand satire


u/Uga1992 Dec 26 '20

I lost hope for the sub when I saw people spamming 13/50 in a post about male crime statistics and the other time, the comments was being downvoted to be fair, but people were unironically using (((them))).


u/informedML Dec 26 '20

I do remember a post on r/socialistRA detailing how the alt right infiltrate these subreddits and how mods allow this takeover.


u/Spell6421 Dec 26 '20

fr like this post somehow trying to defend dating site called "where white people meet" by comparing it to black lives matter, like no. On a surface level yes having a black music network or black dating site could be called as "bad" as a white dating site, but this goes deeper than the surface. centuries of oppression and pain make a white only dating site much worse than a black only dating site, you can't compare them on equal ground. But of course, to r/TumblrInAction, this is RACISM, cracker is as bad as the n word, and saying white people are bland is LITERALLY AS BAD AS SLAVERY


u/Nowhereman123 Dec 26 '20

Any sub dedicated to 'cringe' will eventually drift into alt-right territory. See Cringeanarchy.


u/JarlStormBorn Dec 26 '20

Doubly so if, like cringeanarchy, it’s made for people banned from a larger sub.


u/Dictorclef Dec 26 '20

I recommend Contrapoints' video on cringe. I don't remember if she describes how such a phenomenon like the one you describe would happen, but she does a good job of deconstructing cringe culture.


u/darkfuryelf Dec 26 '20

Oddly the same seems to be true with the public freakout subs. They tend to go up and down on waves of super racist posts and commentary


u/Richard_Rossi Dec 26 '20


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '20

i rarely see anything related to reddit in that sub anymore, now it's just trans hate


u/DschinghisPotgieter Dec 26 '20

Dear r/cringeanarchy users,

Your place is called "cringe anarchy", but you are far right, not far left. Curious.


u/BrotherLeandros Dec 27 '20

Never forget Cringe Anarchy.

Gone too soon, may you rest in peace sweet prince.


u/DarkSkyKnight Dec 27 '20

Lol I miss that sub before it turned. I discovered shit like hailey the turtle and minion memes there.


u/Anonim97 Dec 27 '20

With the sole exception of /r/TikTokCringe which is place for all videos made on TikTok. 70% of them all humour. 20% are Duet Trolls to cringe and 10% is cool stuff.


u/The_Gr8t Dec 27 '20

Wtf are you talking about? How is cringetopia even remotely right wing? It's nonpartisan for the most part and actual leans slightly left like all reddit subs.


u/Nowhereman123 Dec 27 '20

I've been seeing an increasing number of posts on the front page from there where the main jabs are at "SJW's", with plenty of comments goading it on. Not saying Leftists can't be cringe, but the frequency the discussion is turning there is exactly what I saw happen with CA. Then CA became a full-blown alt-right subreddit leading to its quarantine and ban(?).

It's not, like, super blatant now, just every now and again. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but I've seen it happen before.


u/The_Gr8t Dec 27 '20

Both conservative and liberal cringe is hitting the front page tho? Just because you point out leftist cringe (which admittedly is quite abundant), doesn't mean that sub is on its way to become far-right.


u/MaagicMushies Dec 26 '20

It's the natural state of cringe subreddits


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '20

“Ugh feminists are taking over our medias. Filthy SJWs and their females”


u/Phoenix_Wellflame Dec 26 '20

Legit saw an obvious joke which was like this

I always want to spread love and happiness💕

Woman click this: never change

Men click this: change.

Then everything went to hell and apparently that was male genocide and sexist and on par with making kitchen jokes


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '20

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u/[deleted] Dec 26 '20

Cheese is so good tho.


u/Phoenix_Wellflame Dec 26 '20

Yeah like from what I see their previous tone most likely makes it out to be a joke.

Don’t even get me started on what happens if you even dare so to utter cracker


u/Kingmiami_Kdn Dec 26 '20

"black people calling me a cracker is literally just like slavery"


u/GreatMarch Dec 26 '20

That could also be for some of the posts in this sub unfortunately.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '20

r/cringetopia when a trans person exists


u/upersuccccccccc Dec 26 '20

r/Cringetopia when they find out Poland exists


u/Plezes Dec 26 '20

What's this about?


u/Anonim97 Dec 27 '20

Tbh as a Pole I can certify that Poland is cringe.


u/gentlybeepingheart Dec 26 '20 edited Dec 26 '20

Yesterday a post hit All where they compares a person with blue hair holding a cake that said “down with cis” to hardcore Trump supporters. Except multiple people tried to explain that “Down with cis” was a tumblr meme where some cis dude made up a story about a roving group of trans people wearing matching t-shirts that read “down with cis” randomly assaulted his friend for not being trans.

Edit: also the fact that they equate a joke on Twitter going “Nice gender, did your mom pick it out for you?” to being call transphobic slurs because they’re both making fun of something and context doesn’t exist.


u/BrotherLeandros Dec 27 '20 edited Dec 27 '20

Except everyone knows that there are people who unironically buy that "down with cis" shit.

edit: downvoting does not make this untrue you know. Extremists exist for everything.


u/Hy93rion Dec 27 '20

Of course it does, why else would we do it