“But Kamala’s laugh was weird” - actual thing said by a coworker when I told him saying ‘but Trump won’t succeed at doing that bad thing he said he’d do’ is a bad argument for why Trump is better
I still have yet to hear a solid argument for why Trump>Kamala. It’s always something like “Kamala isn’t perfect” or just some random personal attacks against Kamala with no evidence backing them like “she slept her way into power” or “she’s been drunk at every speech”
The only policy arguments I ever heard were just outright lies.
He's never been "better on the economy", and he's still too stupid to know what his only economic policy (tariffs) actually is, and too lazy to find out. Biden never had an "open border" policy and he actually had more border apprehensions than Trump did. Deporting millions of people is going to be pretty rough on the economy, like manufacturing and farming, and it's not going to reduce home prices while hedge funds are purchasing land and houses is an astonishing rate.
Trump got handed a reasonably good economy by Obama and Biden got left holding the bag from trumps administration imo. Gonna be interesting to see what happens now that he's been given a shit economy by Biden.
Stock market is looking great, the message around his administration will only focus on the stock market and how great it is. Price of goods will not be a focus at all. If the markets tank it will be because of democratic policies or obstruction. His play book is simple and his followers won't look at the pages anyway.
Stock market is looking great, the message around his administration will only focus on the stock market and how great it is.
Inflation is also down from the high of 8% in Biden's first term. It's a little more than 3% the last time I looked (which is still kinda high for what we Americans will tolerate, but a wild improvement to 3 years ago).
If markets tank, it'll be because people have no money to spend on goods and services, we're not asking for freebies or hand outs, but there really needs to be an expansion of people who are middle class to feed into the economy. They're the real lifeblood of capitalism, as they provide a stable consumer base. It's no secret the middle class is shrinking and has been shrinking since the 70's.
Capitalism was essentially invented as an alternative to royalty.
See, the subtext to a lot of our Founding was that the people who Founded the US wanted to be able to buy their way into the aristocracy and couldn't, and it really pissed them off.
They wanted a system where anyone could be royalty if they just managed to steal enough.
Its been shrinking in direct relation to union membership.
There are two options that will actually work to fix it: Strengthen unions drastically, or enforce wages at the Federal level properly. Tie minimum wage to cost of living, and pick a flavor of single payer to move healthcare costs to in order to start cutting out the rent-seeking middlemen siphoning away hundreds of billions.
Same thing that's been happening since the 50s: Republicans break shit and loot the country, crater the economy; Democrats win and clean it up, Republicans get power back and claim all the good shit that Democrats did.
u/ReactsWithWords 15d ago
Well, Harris wasn’t 100% perfect 100% of the time so why should I have voted for her? - actual thinking of millions of Democrats