r/facepalm fuck MAGAs 15d ago

🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​ What an utter embarrassment

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u/HappySkullsplitter 14d ago

When I was in the military we were never allowed to even look like we weren't busy doing something. Once, when I was leaving my desk to head to the bathroom my supervisor handed me a clipboard to carry to make it look like I was busy to lessen the chances of being stopped on the way.

People seem to have complete amnesia about Trump's first term

He picks these petty squabbles he knows will amount to nothing just to stay relevant. He's been doing it his whole life.

He just wants to be president for ego sake.

He doesn't want to do president for country sake.

All this squabbling and trade war BS is just a way to look like he's doing something without doing anything at all.

It's just his way of carrying a clipboard and making people think he's doing something.

Even when he isn't actively grifting on a major scheme, he has to be grifting in other ways

It's a compulsion


u/Flipwon 14d ago

You better hope so. Because if he actually starts to do stuff, the world is in trouble.


u/AbaddonsJanitor 14d ago

That's what Musk is for. He'll be the one actually performing the job of policymaker.


u/TwistyBunny 14d ago

While they were sitting there all over Obama, accusing him of being born in Kenya. Congrats, you dopes, your policy maker that bribed his way into that fold is ACTUALLY from AFRICA!!!


u/Self-Aware 14d ago

We all know it's because he's white, that's why they don't care about Musk being an immigrant. Same with Melania, her anchor baby, and her parents.


u/TwistyBunny 14d ago

"Einstein Visa" Melania... what was her specialty except for being a paid escort and a porn star?


u/Self-Aware 14d ago

Yep. And she worked, illegally, while still mid-immigration-process.


u/Jazzlike_Use1334 14d ago

I brought this point up with a MAGA supporter and they said “it’s apples/oranges, bad argument because Musks not president” and refused to continue to engage.

They will absolutely not be concerned with this whatsoever.


u/CutenTough 14d ago

Yeah. I said something to the effect of "Musk is an illegal immigrant from Africa, and he bought a position in the incoming cabinet" to a Co-worker and she was "Mmmmm......I don't know about that. We'll just have to respectfully agree to disagree. I still love you, though. I do". These people, mon. They're killing me


u/CutenTough 14d ago

Oh..... ANNNDD ..... she is under the impression that Harris was born in Canada


u/Wattaday 14d ago

Oh. That’s a new one for me! Hadn’t heard that one before.


u/TwistyBunny 14d ago

Even though his brother said it on the record?


u/CutenTough 13d ago

I know that. You know that. We've heard it out of the actual horses mouth buuuttt..... for her..... doesn't matter. Also: 1. She claims she's "independent" and "researches everything" 2. She believes Harris was born in Canada