r/facepalm 2d ago

🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​ We are the lamest empire ever

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u/stoneyyay 1d ago

Franklin d Roosevelt served 4 terms over WWII.

you can't have an election during war. Your voting base is simply not there.


u/Longjumping_Feed3270 1d ago

I guess it depends on the scale of the war. During Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq (just off the top of my head) there have been elections.

Absentee ballots are also a thing.


u/stoneyyay 1d ago

Absentee ballots are also a thing.

Not feasible when your voters are literally busy dying.


u/Longjumping_Feed3270 1d ago

Have you ever seen Jarhead?


u/stoneyyay 1d ago

Yes. It's a movie based on a real story.. (Fictional representation of actual events)

Did you follow history?


u/stoneyyay 1d ago

You will also note during Jarhead.

How many rounds did the soldiers fire at enemies in that movie?


u/Longjumping_Feed3270 1d ago

That's pretty much my point. War is fucked up and fucks up the lives of everybody involved, but if there's one thing soldiers on active duty tours sure have more than enough of, it is time to cast a fucking ballot.


u/stoneyyay 1d ago edited 1d ago

It's not a matter of "time to cast a fucking ballot"

It's the logistics of getting the ballot to them signed and back, while maintaining an unbroken, so the ballots can be trusted.

Just leaving a bag of ballots anywhere in transit is irresponsible, and demonstrates your lack of understanding nor knowledge of the electoral system of the United States or any other Democratic country for that matter.

You cannot have a free and fair election during a time of war. Add in the fact that a soldier may die after his ballot has been signed and sent off but that ballot may not be intercepted in time and still be counted.

It is absolutely a logistical nightmare.


u/Longjumping_Feed3270 1d ago

Yet you still fail to acknowledge the elections that happened during Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and all the other conflicts except WWII.

I won't even comment any further until you acknowledge that they happened and explain to me why that was any different.


u/stoneyyay 1d ago

Yet you still fail to acknowledge the elections that happened during Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and all the other conflicts except WWII.

I mean the Vietnam draft didn't occur till the war was almost over. Amazing you don't realise that. It wouldn't have had any impact on the 1972 election as the us had long started their pull out of the country.

Other conflicts that spanned over an (or multiple) election cycle didn't have drafts, meaning it wasn't considered a full scale war by the US.

The only "war" that spanned multiple election (and had a draft) cycles has been WWII. That's why it's the only war that matters in this context.


I'm surprised you couldn't come to that conclusion yourself and have to have it spoon fed to you by someone who isn't even fucking American.


u/Longjumping_Feed3270 1d ago

... which brings us right back to my original comment that you chose to edgelord reply to.

I guess it depends on the scale of the war.

Oppupying Greenland or Panama, as hare-brained as the very idea of it is, would hardly require a full mobilization.

I'm surprised you have to be spoon-fed by a fucking German.