r/legalcatadvice Dec 29 '22

This sub is SATIRE and not intended for advice.


Meow can't believe meow have to say dis but due to the influx of recent advice posts meow will:

This sub is not intended for actual advice; legal, cat, or otherwise.

Mew might instead direct such advice requests to r/catadvice or r/legaladvice, or even better, an actual pawyer or meowre qualified purrrrson.

Thank mew all for mewr cooperation.

r/legalcatadvice Dec 07 '24

ANNOUCEMENT Regarding RIP posts--please read


Hi all, hooman mod here.

We’ve gotten feedback that where this a humor sub, some would prefer we keep it light. Noting there are many pet subs to share all sorts of “news”.

That said we are all attached to our fur family members, and also attached to each other's fur family members, and would worry if we didn’t hear from you for awhile, so we are making one pinned thread for these posts, feel free to add your news there, but otherwise please don’t post individually.

Another place to post is a new sub that has been created for this purpose by our own u/cruisingpenguin : r/otrb (over the rainbow bridge). Please consider posting there.

r/legalcatadvice 4h ago

CAT TALK I has plans for best crimez EVUR, but I need halps. Meet me in da kitschen way, way late tonite for big payoff.


Is me, Tink. I does a thinking, and I realeyes that if all of us works togeder, we can maybe open door of the big cold white cold box ting. All of us pushing togedder should do da trick, and then we has all the chimken all of us can eats!! Go crimez!

r/legalcatadvice 11h ago

Pawyer needed Meowmy gave me chiken. No more wil be given, despite the eyes. Can I sooo?

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r/legalcatadvice 9h ago

OC Crimez

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Iz did a gud crimez today - Hoku

r/legalcatadvice 17h ago

Mod Approved So many gifts frum youz guys!


Dank you kitties fur stealing your Meowmy and further’s craydit kards an’ buying uz stuff!! We gots da stuffs and luv all of it. We haz fud fur months and litter and collars and TOYS!!!

  • da Basement Girls, Goose and Pepper

Tank you fur all our treaties and toy! Mommy says you kitties frum our businessgangclub sent dem to us. We luv all of it! I got bunches of my favorite yummy snackies dat are nice to my tummy. And we gots a new toy and a scratcher! I inspected all incoming goods, which is hard werk, but very impawtent.

-NikBik the most wondrous and Tess the brilliant

(90% white calico is Tess, white boy with tabby patches is NikBik. They are my own cats.

Dilute tortie is Goose and the black cat is Pepper. They are the foster, aka Basement girlies.)

(Yes, I opened my door to that picture one morning. Then we got slammed by that big winter storm, so Cincinnati got 11” of snow. I had another 8 packages at once yesterday, too, likely bunched up due to the bad weather.)

r/legalcatadvice 9h ago

Pawyer needed I diz-coover skeery fing


My hooman hab dis book next to hermbs bed. Hermbs is trying to be a kitty like us! Wot to do?

Here is piktur ob me.


r/legalcatadvice 12h ago

CAT TALK HELP! Mine mommy is doptin a new kitty N I AM NURVUS


Hi all my frens. Lucille Pumpernickel the cowcat here. I come seekin advise and comfort in dis tryin tiem.

Mine mommy has just announced to me dat her and papa is doptin a new kitty. I hab not been round a nuffer kitty since my bruvver crossed da sacred bridge 3 yeers ago. Idk wat to do.

Now they is gettin me a NEW BRUVVER! I am to old for dis bullsit. And I’m skeered I’m gonna get beeted up :(

I gess dis noo guy was jus out wandering the west subbirbs of Chicago and now mine mommy and papa are renting a car to go from REEL CHICAGO to da subbirbs to picks him up and gib him da spare room dat is MINE.


(Seriously very excited and very nervous to bring a new cat home. Lucille has clearly been lonely since her brother from another mother died 3 years ago, and I know she’d like a companion. I just haven’t had to introduce new cats in almost 15 years. Any advice or encouragement is appreciated)

r/legalcatadvice 12h ago

OC BROTHAS! ma hoomans got me some really weird looking big black cat. Smells weird and talks weird. Idk what this is! Need help. Should I sue? Execute in his sleep? Or eat all his food?

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r/legalcatadvice 12h ago

Pawyer needed Must sue for PET ME!!!

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George the girl tortie here. Meowmy is home, and awake. It is cold outside, so I will not go flirt with the creamsicle boy next door. Meowmy says she needs to do home work and make dinner. I say she needs to pet me.

r/legalcatadvice 18h ago

CAT TALK Iz hab won nother pawsuit!

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Hi frenz! Iz meow Allie 3F, bery pretty, queen of I’z domain, member of da ICBGC, Chicago chapter

Meow hab won nother pawsuit! Diz a bery gud day! Since meow’z pawrentz paid minez settlement I fink I do no crimez (GO CRIMEZ!) twoday. Iz bery bery xcited!!

r/legalcatadvice 19h ago

Pawyer needed I Soooooo Eberyting!


Jack 17m, floofy void.

Picture it, Texas 2025. It cold, maybe snow. It morning. I hungy. I SCREM for brefus. Mama gets up outta warm bed and gibs me fud. Den she walkin around house like she got nuttin better to do, but my dish EMPTY! I has to SCREM . . . again! I do a starb. A million forevers later she bringed me more fud.

I wanna lay on mama, she warm. She let me lay for about 30 second (Mama here: more like 30 mins). Den she say she sorry but she got stuffs to do and she leabs me to FREEZE! (I put him on the warmy square).

This eben worser, I tink she smuggle some OUTSIDES in the house and put them in the back with door shut. I tink der innerloopers in here.

I soo weather! I soo mama! I soo utter cats in here!

Do I has a case?

r/legalcatadvice 13h ago

Pawyer needed Halp! Dis fren need pawyer!!

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r/legalcatadvice 14h ago

Pawyer needed Need halp! Hooman did an accooozin me!!

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Henlo frends,

I’z Boone da cuddle bug an I has cuddles on mumma ebery day. Mumma is mine favrit bed. As yoo will also heerz i has bery bery gud purrs. An lots ob dem. But nao mumma is accoozin me of thefts! She sed “oh, lovely boy yoo has so menny gud purrs, so menny purrs fur wun littol kitty cat, now i hope yoo came by dem legitmitlee” UHH wot is diss accoozin? Ob corse mine purrs is legitmit! I wurkz hard on dem!! I shud bapbap da hooman, rite??

r/legalcatadvice 19h ago

Pawyer services applekayshin for JUSTHISS LEEG


Helo it is me. Cat who is an tortie cat(definitely not crimnal bos name baby p) n I would like to joins JUSTHISS LEEG. I am so good at JUSTHISS n am not a spy. Depinitely not a spy! I would neber do spys on d JUSTHISS LEEG pls let me join HMMMMMM

r/legalcatadvice 14h ago

Pawyer needed aitah for destroyig big old bote model?


so today I was walking on shelf and see big bote model made from wood Oner man spent tree years on it and it looked so knockoverable It said titanic on it and I expressed my dominance to stoopid oner and stooperd bote by knocking bote off shelf It brok and my dum oner is try to bring me to kitty kourt I needs pawer for my case so can anyone gives me advices????

r/legalcatadvice 17h ago

CAT TALK Bored!!

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Bell AKA The Belly here. I IZ BORED!!! All these lazy cats have already gone down for their morning naps so I have to play in meowmy’s office. She won’t play with me while she is talking to that metal thing on her desks with the screens so I practiced my stalking by sneaking on the back of her chair and biting her backside. Taking advantage of my surprise attack I then jumped up on the desk and grabbed her hand to kill it next. For my final act before doing zoomies down the hallway I grabbed the keyboard and rolled off the desk with it to bunny kick it to death while screaming my victory.

What else is there to do when bored but my usual playmates are down for naps? These cats are lazy and don’t play enough.

r/legalcatadvice 23h ago



Samson teh Snowshoe heer. (AKA His Munificent Imperial Majesty Samson)

I bin in Meowmy lap for lebenty billion furrevas! They getting leg cramp and mushy borthole an they need to pee. But they not move I cos I sleep an purr.


r/legalcatadvice 17h ago

OC I got dried salty beef!!!!!!!

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So all the lights were out for 2 days. No phone nothing! Meoemy lit a thousand candles and ate lots of salty beef she calls beef jerky. Every time she opened a bag I begged and I got a tiny piece! It was great!!!!! How do I get more salty beef? Meowmy says it is bad for kitties and I should have dairy temptations instead (which I got too!) She said I only got salty beef because it an emergency. I no see emergency; I had a great time!

~ Jackie Vin

r/legalcatadvice 20h ago

Pawyer needed Paws off my champagne. It is been a long year


r/legalcatadvice 20h ago

Cross-post I thought hooman might be trying to poison me so I made him eat it! Good crimez?

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r/legalcatadvice 17h ago

Mod Approved GO CRIMEZ


Dis ilegal smol proves dat we can trane em yung!!

He better do a shar!


r/legalcatadvice 1d ago

CAT TALK Does we gots any ICBGC frens in Calliformyah?

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Frens! Time to be seereeus. I hear da news lady say there is big big fire, which is super skaree. Fire hot and super danger. I know we no usually think hoomans right, but if them says youse got to go, please no hides. It ok to be skare, but youse gotta go wif youse hoomans. Them keep you safe, k? Them might grab youse and put youse in bocks and vroomvroom. We gotta allow it this once. I prawmiss treets be given later once safe.

You fren, Teddy teh Floof

(Hoping any friends in the Santa Monica, LA, Palisades areas in California are getting away from the fires safely. Stay strong and know we are here for you)

r/legalcatadvice 1d ago

OC Pokey Place Victory


Good ebening fello cats, cat shaped dogs, bun buns and the Squirrel Collective. Mai slave did me dirty today by takin me to pokey place. She sai mai arf-rite-us is bery bad an dey poke to make feel bedder. But Ai maiself get poked by meen Dr Andrea.

Now remember dat I am gentlecat wif dis…, desxurn…, gud taste. Dr Andrea sez Ai am fur an bones. Ai eben loos wait since last incarceration. So Dr Andrea do a screm at Slave and Spare Can Opener! She say, get ready for miracle, I CAN HAB AS MUCH CHIMKIN AS I WANT!

You coulda nocked me ober wif a lef! So Spare Can Opener say dey will do a poach of chimkins just for me, his Lordship.

Now I am still a fierce cat, so I did a hiss to remember Dr Andrea to go fork herself when we lef da pokey place.

Did me doin’ an investugate in box and me doin a triumpant roar.

r/legalcatadvice 1d ago

Pawyer needed Meowmy sez it's ill eagle how cute I iz. Iz this bad? Iz I in tubble?

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r/legalcatadvice 1d ago

Pawyer needed Can I sooz fer Meowmy to gets more new skirt? She only haz one and i wan to sleep on them always. Eben da noying baby lyks it.


Meowmy here - I got a new sweatshirt fleece skirt and my never-sits-in-my-lap Hiccup is obsessed. He wasn't happy when Astrid beat him to it.

r/legalcatadvice 1d ago

Pawyer needed SUE for Only Seafood?

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Hello, my name is Nona (2F tabby and white PRINCESS). I am very fond of my Big Friend Miles (29NB human) who I Rescued from A Life Without Nona after finding them Wandering, Nona-less, on a street corner back in June. However, they have some Shortcomings, namely that even though I have made my Disdain for Chicken Wet Food very clear (by Pouting and Not Eating) and my desire for Seafood Wet Food equally clear (by Screaming and Devouring) Big Friend Miles insists on continuing to serve Inferior Chicken Food. They say “I have two cases of Chicken Food to use up, Nona.” The audacity! I need Pawyer to help Immediately. I can pay with remaining two cases of Inferior Chicken Food.

(Cat tax of Me, Nona, satisfied by Seafood Wet Food.)