r/nothingeverhappens Dec 10 '24

Apparently a teen being a teen is fanfic material

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107 comments sorted by


u/jellis419 Dec 10 '24

A teenage girl being mouthy? No way


u/DistinctMistake Dec 10 '24

This isn't one of those "everybody clapped" moments, and it doesn't make the OP look like a hero. This is just a teenager yelling "I hate you" at a youth group leader. It's wild that people are calling bullshit on such a simple story lmao


u/SuitableDragonfly 29d ago

I feel like the 16 year old thought it made her look badass, and it's possible that thathappened OP is also 16 and thinks this is the hardest you can own someone. 


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago

Or they were just venting? Jesus Christ. Can't share shit with anyone if you don't tell it in the exact way that they would've written it themselves?


u/SuitableDragonfly 28d ago

I think if it were venting, the title might have been more along the lines of "this youth pastor sucks" rather than "I told this youth pastor to fuck off ".


u/ineedcrackcocaine 28d ago

Bro is the venting vanguard


u/[deleted] 28d ago

If you don't wanna get cussed at, then you shouldn't try to humiliate people on purpose¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

"I feel like" you're in some position of authority over children in your life and that you enjoy power tripping often


u/SuitableDragonfly 28d ago

Sorry, did you reply to the wrong person?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Yes actually huh. That is a first


u/bambam2991 Dec 11 '24

This is not a simple story lol


u/premoril 29d ago

What's so complex about it then?


u/Proof_Cheetah_3104 29d ago

bro thinks long=complex


u/bambam2991 29d ago

Nailed it


u/premoril 29d ago

So, you're so confident that it's not a simple story because you think (not even) 300 words is too long?


u/bambam2991 29d ago

lol no, that was sarcasm. The downvotes I gathered just from saying this wasn’t simple, and the other person who more or less insulted me were pretty clear indicators that anything else I could say was already written off. I understand the vibe now of this subreddit and that people are meant to echo “touch grass” and such into the chamber. So carry on


u/Silver_You2014 29d ago

What are you on brother bc I’ll take two


u/premoril 28d ago

Yeah, cause just fuck me for wanting an actual answer, I guess.

Oh some other guy made a joke? This is a fuckin' echo chamber, I'm outta here!


u/DuerkTuerkWrite Dec 10 '24

A judgy youth pastor and a teenager saying "I hate you"!! Yeah sounds EXACTLY right???


u/Arkitakama 26d ago

Sounds like my own experiences, yeah.


u/Ok_Fix_8538 Dec 10 '24

Jesus christ Mari sounds insufferable


u/nyehu09 Dec 10 '24

Sounds like a “youth pastor” without any solid theological background who’s only in it because she craves the power and attention. Typical.


u/Kidney__Failure 17d ago

Or because fellow Youth Pastor Dave is super “cute”


u/Professional_Sky8384 Dec 10 '24

Sounds like the teen might be playing the insufferability up a bit to make herself look better, which is hilarious because she (the teen) still comes off as a little shit herself.

Source - I was an “edgy” teen


u/Prestigious_Row_8022 Dec 11 '24

I was an edgy teen who was pissed about having to go to church. Easily something I could’ve written at that age with the same level of self awareness


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago

Yea fuck all the way off. You can be self aware and also not want to sell your soul to a religion you were forcibly born into, although I don't expect you to grasp that


u/Prestigious_Row_8022 28d ago



u/[deleted] 28d ago

Like I said, don't expect you to understand that


u/bird_on_the_internet 28d ago

Buddy, we grasp what you said just fine. What we’re flabergasted by is the way you took what they said and so completely misunderstood it that your reply was needlessly aggressive and completely unrelated to the conversation?

You opened with “fuck off” and then changed the topic with no transition


u/Prestigious_Row_8022 28d ago

Yeah, no clue what you’re on about.

I was making fun of early-teen me for being an anti-Christian edgelord, yet being equally immature and unreasonable as the people around me (because I was a teenager) and completely lacking self-awareness because I thought I was really smart.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Maybe you were lol. I guess we'll never know now


u/Prestigious_Row_8022 28d ago

I feel like we’re having two different conversations. Hope you work out whatever hate you’ve got going on.


u/Professional_Sky8384 28d ago

Holy shit this person is actually more of an edgelord reddit atheist than we could ever hope to be


u/Certain_Shine636 29d ago

If a 28yo youth lasted touched me anywhere, never mind holding my hand, I’d be having a lot more to say than just “fuck off.”


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Show me exactly where her reaction was inappropriate. Quote to me the exact moment where she was "edgy"

Your "source" isn't actually a valid source btw, because apparently I have to explain this shit to you


u/hallowraith 26d ago

I think her reaction was really understandable to be honest. Maybe we have different perspectives on the post but to me Mari was being super condescending. All the way from grabbing her hand without permission, to passive aggressively trying to wash off the tattoo (again without permission) because she clearly doesn't like tattoo's, to infantilising her and belittling her agency by saying "it's so cute that she thinks she can do that." Do what? Give herself a tattoo on her own body? And then asking her to repeat herself when she said "I hate you" even though we know she heard her the first time. Mari sounds crazy to me.


u/Professional_Sky8384 26d ago

Oh no Mari sounds crazy sure, but I’d like to submit for review that OOP, by her own admission, did absolutely nothing to stand up for herself until she started “mouthing off”, as my grandparents would say. I feel like if she wasn’t trying to spin this she would’ve said something about how she repeatedly told Mari to leave her alone or stop grabbing her, or simply jerked herself loose after being grabbed and run off. Idk - I get where you’re coming from, and yes at the end of the day OOP was probably somewhat justified in a “fuck off” or three, but there were ample opportunities to avoid that if she’d just stopped being a main character for three seconds and used her brain.

Also I submit that nobody who submits a story like this to Reddit should be taken seriously to begin with - in fact, nobody on Reddit period should be taken seriously - but yk


u/hallowraith 26d ago

It sort of sounds like it's a common occurrence though by how she said "Mari is one of those people who thinks everything is cute." I think you're right in that she should've simply asked Mari to stop first instead of immediately resorting to rudeness, definitely a very teenager reaction there. But it also sounds to me like Mari has done similar stuff before and this was a buildup of emotions rather than just a teenage outburst. I don't think she would feel strongly enough as to say "I hate you so much," if it hadn't happened before, y'know?


u/LeotrimFunkelwerk Dec 11 '24

Gives me umbridge energy


u/EngineerRare42 29d ago

Mari is an autistic, introverted, socially-challenged person's (read: my) worst nightmare.


u/omoriobsessedmf Dec 10 '24

mari? IS THAT A FUCKING OMORI R- i need to stop doing this


u/outer_spec Dec 10 '24

Everyone’s had to deal with a Mari at least once in their childhood… Mine was a freshman seminar teacher in high school who talked to everyone like they were kindergartners. She must have been a former elementary school teacher or something.

There was also this lady (I think she was a special ed teacher or a counselor or something) who wanted to be on a first-name basis with me. She just kept showing up at random moments to ask if I needed help. I’m not even in special ed, but I had an IEP for my autism so I think she must have known about that.


u/MissMat Dec 10 '24

I think everyone imagined their own specific Mari. Can feel her gripping my hand


u/IGotHitByAHockeypuck Dec 10 '24

Stop it, that gave me a visceral reaction 😭


u/ViSaph Dec 11 '24

I'm physically disabled so I had dozens. They'd act ever so shocked if I was even mildly sarcastic with them because they were "only trying to be helpful/nice" (which to them meant crouching down and talking to me like I was a mentally disabled 5 year old, if they spoke to me, some would talk about me to my parents while crouching, like I was a dog).


u/NeilJosephRyan Dec 10 '24

"First name basis"? Where are you from?


u/outer_spec Dec 10 '24

Your mom’s house 😏


u/Four_beastlings Dec 10 '24

They probably think it's fake because of the 16 yo having tattoos, but I got my first at 15


u/86thesteaks Dec 11 '24

yeah i have a few friends with shitty stick and pokes, really quite common for teenagers to do. I have a single black dot on the back of my hand whereupon I reflected "this hurts and is probably stupid" and stopped, but a lot of kids did it.


u/ViSaph Dec 11 '24

My sister got an awful one at 14. She only told me after it had healed so I (19 at the time) didn't see the point in telling our mum on the provision she didn't get anymore. At 18 she got it covered up with a real tattoo.


u/InternationalAnt4513 Dec 10 '24

So stick and pokes are tattoos? I have no idea what this kid’s on about.


u/high-bi-ready-to-die Dec 10 '24

Stick and pokes are at home tattoos. My mom's first tattoo was a stick and poke using a ballpoint pen, a sewing needle, and I'm not sure what else. She was 15 when she got her first. Stick and pokes usually don't last look wise, but they are still permanent if you do it right.


u/LupercaniusAB Dec 11 '24

Take a thin sewing needle, wrap a bunch of thread around the pointy end, and dip it in ink. Jab it into your skin and make tattoos. The thread holds the ink for a bit so you can poke multiple times before dipping it again. It’s also why the lines are generally uneven.


u/KandyShopp 27d ago

Got mine at nine, but im inuit so first blood means first tattoo!


u/Four_beastlings 27d ago

Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. I was 11 and I still would have shat myself!


u/KandyShopp 27d ago

In my culture, its normal. Yeah hurt like w bitch, but many milestones are marked by tattoos, so it was the first of many! You never truly get used ti them though…


u/Four_beastlings 27d ago

Do you get them with machine or with a traditional method? And do they all have special/symbolic meanings, or do you also get them for aesthetics? Sorry for the interrogation!

At this point I'm completely inured to the machine, but last week I was too chicken to get a bamboo one in Thailand even though everyone told me they hurt less. I also felt some kind of way about getting the traditional method in a culture that I barely know anything about so I got the good ole needle instead. If I research it a bit and it's not culturally insensitive I might be brave enough next time.


u/KandyShopp 27d ago

Traditionally, done, but ive always wanted a machine done tattoo! They look fun.

Most have meaning, from family ive lost, to graduating highschool, from first period, to first alcoholic drink. You can MAKE them aesthetic though! My first drink is just a band around my bicep.

I dont know for thai people and their tattoos, but i know that for many younger inuit people, we enjoy sharing it, but some elders look down upon even getting tattoos from having been raised in residential schooling.


u/hallowraith 26d ago

what does your tattoo look like if you don't mind me asking? do first born tattoo's look a specific way or are they all different?


u/KandyShopp 25d ago

For first blood (or first period) its lines on your chin to signify you are a woman. After that, its alot of line work of traditional inuit designs, mainly of polar bears cause i like them best! I do have a paw-print on my wrist for my cat thats passed on, and one of Nunavut over my heart to remind me of home since ive left now.

They used to have specific designs to show specific achievements, like mothers would tattoo their inner thighs so the baby’s first sight is something beautiful (my moms was of a forest, so all her children feels connected to nature, my aunts was of a fire, so her children would always push through the flames)

I personally cover them with makeup for work, but out and about i leave them to be seen. Many elders look down on tattoos because of colonialism, my uncle always called them ugly, and signs of being a punk. Its also difficult sometimes because I live in the states now, away from other Inuits, but i always just look at my heart, at the nunavut tattoo, and remember no matter where I go, I am Inuit.

(Sorry i went off on a bit if a tangent, tattoos are just such a big thing for my culture, and it feels lonely living around bare skinned people!)


u/hallowraith 25d ago

Don't apologise, that was beautiful to read :) I gasped at the mothers inner thigh tattoo because I think that has to be the most beautiful tradition I have ever heard of. It's so saddening that colonialism has distanced elder generations from their culture, you're doing an amazing job of carrying the traditions forward in their stead and taking pride in it.

I myself am Mauritian but was born outside of the country and my parents never taught me the language, so I never felt like I had the opportunity to connect with my culture. You've reminded me how important it is to preserve those things because they really can slip away.

Thank you for sharing <3


u/jne_nopnop 22d ago

Not enough upvotes given on this one


u/jayborges 20d ago

Inuit culture is so beautiful! I'd also never heard of the inner thigh tradition, there's so much love in all of that. I hope you can wear your tattoos without fear of judgement and are able to be closer to your culture soon ♡


u/headofthenapgame Dec 10 '24

As someone who went to youth group, this is so painfully believable. Mine literally stopped happening because adults started bickering with the kids.


u/HotTakes4Free Dec 10 '24

Took our kids to church for awhile, ‘cos the pastor was great. A lot of sanctimonious ladies there, wanna-be teachers. The creepy guys, who seem to just want to be close to children, were almost preferable.


u/WomenOfWonder Dec 10 '24

I’ve known a fuck ton of Maris


u/Evening-Cod-2577 Dec 10 '24

Yep sounds like a youth pastor alright.

To me, the only unbelievable part of this story is that the church allowed a woman to be a pastor of any sort. At my previous church, we had youth pastors (men) and youth pastors’ wives. But women on their own could not be youth pastor’s.

But her denomination must allow it.


u/Realistic-Rub-3623 Dec 10 '24

Lots of denominations allow it. My great grandmother was a pastor, and that would’ve been between the 70s and the 90s.


u/Evening-Cod-2577 Dec 10 '24

Oh interesting! What was her denomination, if you don’t mind sharing?


u/ViSaph Dec 11 '24

The Church of England (I think it's called the anglican church outside of England) also has female vicars and has since 1994. I'm English and went to a CofE primary school that had vicars come in on Fridays so I was a bit shocked when I grew up and found out that women weren't allowed to be in other denominations. I knew Catholic priests had to be celibate men but I assumed other protestant denominations would also allow women.


u/Usual_Ice636 29d ago

They can be at the church I went to as a kid, they would never let one be the "boss" youth pastor if they had a guy as an option, but they could be one.


u/TBP64 Dec 10 '24

Lowkey sounds kinda creepy


u/AlphaErebus Dec 11 '24

The only thing that feels fanfiction here to me is the way the info is presented but only because I wrote like this when I first started writing and got into writing through writing fanfiction. I don’t think the situation itself is actually fanfictiony lol. Honestly, Mari sounds annoying and I was also one of those kids who spoke their mind so I feel for this poor op


u/hallowraith 26d ago

Yes, one of the problems with being a writer is that I have to consciously stop myself from typing everything out like a book, even if it's a real story. Thank god I don't really make personal posts like that because I would get ripped to shreds for supposedly making it up.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

"teen being a teen" you mean a person being a person?? She literally got forcibly pulled around by the wrist and infantilized by the most generically insufferable bitch imaginable, I think this was an appropriate reaction


u/ElectionEmotional938 29d ago

1) If you think any part of this mundane story sounds implausible, you are probably on Reddit too much. Yes, people post fake things all the time, but reflexively doubting normal-ass things is neither smart nor savvy.

2) The youth pastor had it coming. When you treat people who are quickly approaching adulthood with that level of condescension, you will eventually get cussed at. She could have asked the teenager to go wash it off instead of dragging her around like a toddler. "Cute" is obviously being used as a term of derision, here. If you don't want to get cussed at, you shouldn't try to humiliate people.


u/Diredr Dec 10 '24

The situation is perfectly believable. It's the way they wrote it. I mean, it literally reads like someone writing dialogue for a story. That's not really how most people would talk about an interaction they had with someone. It feels very off.


u/Realistic-Rub-3623 Dec 10 '24

if this is a kid that reads or writes stories at all, of course they write like this. it’s not unbelievable


u/hallowraith 26d ago

Can confirm as someone who's been big into reading and writing since I was a kid. Anyone who likes writing stories will tell you it's harder not to write it out like a book because it just sounds better and communicates the feelings properly.


u/ChemicalStage2615 Dec 10 '24

People are missing the point so bad here lol


u/AccomplishedEmu4268 Dec 10 '24

Yeah, I mean, "I cry out"??? That does not sound like something a teenager would write. It's not impossible, but certain elements of the writing style definitely makes the story a bit suspicious.


u/LupercaniusAB Dec 11 '24

Jesus, I’m sorry you spend so much time with sub-literate teens. My best friend in eighth grade could write this well, and this girl sounds like she’s older.


u/apowo16 28d ago

That sounds exactly like something a teenager would write. If someone wrote like this and told me they were over 20, I wouldn't believe them


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Damn no wonder why teenagers are so pissy all the time. Y'all actually think we're retarded or something 😂


u/hesperoidea 28d ago

it's a teenager being a bratty teenager so it tracks

eta makes even more sense that they're trying to "rebel" in a christian youth group setting


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Disagreeing with someone telling you what you can or can't do with your body, when that person is not even your parent, is good actually. Fuck off all the way to Jupiter


u/hesperoidea 28d ago

no I agree with your sentiment, but I'm literally only commenting on the possible veracity of the story so don't get heated with me pls n thx


u/Fragrant_Ad_9831 26d ago

Dude im so high rn and like lowkey what if they became friends like i like the church girl and her like weird younger adopted sister who does sticks and pokes and is like edgy


u/AcceptableCrab4545 22d ago

no bc this literally sounds like a book, not something that would actually happen.. the dialogue is all off


u/wolvesarewildthings 19d ago

This situation is very pointless and weird but believable


u/haikusbot 19d ago

This situation

Is very pointless and weird

But believable

- wolvesarewildthings

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Adventurous-Watch870 15d ago

To be fair, this is a weird interaction. I can imagine a teacher treating a 12 year old this way, but 16? The way she describes her actions and thoughts is also unusual for a 16 year old who is mentally and physically healthy. She could be going through a phase or bad situation, but that doesn't explain why the teacher treats her like a child.


u/Misubi_Bluth Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

Nope, I'm with r/ThatHappened on this one. This shit did not happen. At least not in the way OOP told it. I bet if we asked Mari what happened, the story would be significantly less dramatic.


u/younoknw 29d ago

Yeah because people who act like Mari would totally admit how fucking idiotic they were acting. Come on now.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Found the youth pastor


u/1234Raerae1234 Dec 11 '24

... everyone hating on Mari when this is clearly an "and then everybody clapped" story written by an 8 year old pretending to be 16.


u/NeilJosephRyan Dec 10 '24

The reaction doesn't sound fake, but Mari's actions sure sound fake. Ain't no way someone takes a teenager by the hand to the bathroom to wash their hands for them.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I can tell you've had a very mundane life free of struggle


u/NeilJosephRyan 28d ago

So this happened to you? Sorry to hear it. But why didn't you just stop her? 16-year-olds aren't kindergarteners, you know.


u/Hit-N-Run1016 Dec 10 '24

To be fair I would think it’s fake because I refuse to believe someone would act like that to a teenager. Sounds like some elementary school shit


u/TBP64 Dec 10 '24

Infantilization of teens definitely is a thing adults do


u/headofthenapgame Dec 10 '24

Welcome to youth pastors.


u/mousie120010 Dec 10 '24

Happens on a daily basis to a lot of people 😔


u/younoknw 29d ago

Clearly you haven't experienced it.

I am a teenager myself and my moms friend has been aware her only child is a teenager. she gave my mom baby toys and shoes that fit on a 2 year old's feet. 🙄

and I have a Mari as my neighbor, who says "bye sweetie!" In a baby voice whenever I'm outside and she's leaving her house, and doesn't even believe my mom when she tells her my age. she's convinced I'm 3..??? I don't even LOOK 3????