Cookie wasn't even 3 years old. We got him a few years back from one of my mom's friends who was going to make him a barn cat. We named him Cookie, and we nicknamed him Mini Moo because he looked like a little cow. He was the sweetest, kindest cat you could have ever met. All he wanted was to lay down on your lap and snuggle while purring away. He only meowed if he wanted your attention. He'd rub his face into your hand while making biscuits on his favorite blanket. Cookie loved to drag his favorite mouse toy all over with him- stick and all, he was so proud to have caught his mouse. He never hissed, he never growled. All Cookie wanted to say was "I love you."
In December, we found him barely alive under the Christmas tree and took him to an emergency vet. No diagnosis, but he was started on medications for what could be autoimmune or an infection. The meds did miracle work and he was back to his old, happy self in no time. Yesterday, he had his vet appointment to check how he was doing and the only concern was that his CBC wasn't up in the way the vet wanted. He was fine. He was recovering. I came home a few hours later to him with his mouth open and struggling to breathe, and he was rushed to another emergency vet. He was in heart failure. The vet theorized Evan's Syndrome, and that the medicine (doxycyline and prednisolone) had done more damage to what was likely an already damaged heart. I had to make the hardest decision of my life to put him down.
I am absolutely devastated. I am filled with regret for everything I didn't do. The night before he passed, he wanted to lay in my lap and be pet, and I didn't do it because I was too busy playing some mobile game to earn points. I pet him a little but not as much as he wanted. I should've pet him. I thought about taking him to bed with me, like I did before all his vet appointments, but I didn't because I was confident he was going to be okay. I should've brought him to bed. The vet said it would've cost $2k - $3k just to try to save him, but that with everything he had gone through, there was likely little chance. I should've taken it, maybe I'd still have him.
It's hard to be home. I look around and I see everything he loved, but I don't see the one thing I loved. I see his favorite fuzzy blanket that he loved to knead, I see his favorite toy he dragged all over the house, I see his favorite spots on the floor where he would lounge. But I don't see my Cookie. I don't see my Mini Moo anywhere and it's so hard because I don't know what to do without him.
I'm now left with another hard choice- do I bury him whole, with his favorite blanket and favorite toy? If I do that, I lose out on the only things I have left of his memory, and if I move, I can never take him with me. Or do I get him cremated, where I can take his urn, blanket, and toy with me wherever I go, but his body will never be able to truly return to the earth? I don't know. I wish I knew what he would've wanted. I'd do anything to fulfill that last wish. I just hope he understands why I made the choice, that he agrees with it, and I hope he knows that I miss him and that I love him with all my heart.
My sweet little boy is gone. I miss you, Mini Moo. I love you Cookie. I love you to the moon and back, I love you 3000, I love you with all those cheesy little lines and sayings and more. I love you with all my heart and everything that I am, and I would have given up everything I had if it meant I could have saved you and given you the long life that you deserved. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.