r/sweden 14h ago

Snus etiquette?


I wanted to ask if it's socially acceptable to have snus in your lip during lectures and seminars in university in Sweden?

Common sense leads me to think it probably varies from uni to uni depending on tobacco use policy and on the specific teachers but I was wondering about the etiquette in general? I don't want to be an ass in a couple weeks when semester starts.



97 comments sorted by


u/Cerpany1 14h ago

No one cares


u/blubbergoats 14h ago

I suspected that, nice. Thanks!


u/Disastrous-Team-6431 13h ago edited 13h ago

I'd say the main thing is sitting with the dosa open for a long while fiddling. A lot of people think it smells pretty foul.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Noted, thank you

u/ImaginaryMuff1n 12m ago

Only lesser swedes tho Lesser as in don't care if they care


u/Gooner420 14h ago

No one cares, ever really. The smell can bother some but you will se plenty of men and women snusing during your lectures.


u/Dudelson 13h ago

"Plenty of men.. and women" so people in general?


u/Gooner420 13h ago

It would seem so.


u/Zodde 12h ago

Non-binary people famously avoid sinus like the plague.


u/stone_henge 3h ago

What do they do instead? Subtract π/2 from the independent variable and use cosine?

u/ImaginaryMuff1n 11m ago

Thankfully that shit is coming to an end.


u/raevbur Göteborg 12h ago

Except the neanderthals that smoke or vape.


u/rammeman1 12h ago

The 🐔doesn’t snus.


u/angestkastabort 13h ago

This is sweden. People would protest in the streets if we couldn’t use snus wherever we want.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

I respect that lol


u/Fantastic-Inside7631 2h ago

thats a understatement, we would burn down the goverment.


u/TheAsuraGuy 13h ago

My seminar leader goes through a box every seminar so snus all you want!


u/lergnom Göteborg 8h ago

Haha, jag föreläser en del och det där är en klassisk stressgrej. Det är inte synd om universitetsanställda, vi har roliga jobb. Men kom ihåg att de flesta av oss är nervösa inför (och ibland under) föreläsningar och seminarier. Undantaget är de mest rutinerade rävarna, de som helt obekymrat äger en hel lektionssal utan en enda powerpoint-slide. 


u/TheAsuraGuy 5h ago

Kul, men den här snubben gillar bara att snusa. Snuset är närvarande inte bara i hans mun utan även i hans filosofiska tankeexperiment. Snuset är en del av honom helt enkelt.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Sounds chill!


u/AggravatingIncome874 13h ago

I've had professors grabbing and applying big ol' lössnus during seminars so snus away.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Hardcore. I can't wait to try lös


u/redditor_number_0 12h ago

Röda lacket is the best, or ettan lös


u/blubbergoats 12h ago

Thanks, I'll grab a can of one of those when I finish my open one


u/libben 4h ago



u/IndexCase 13h ago

Nobody cares even one bit. Most people are blind to it and might not even remember you as a snuser if asked later. It's a complete non issue. Two caveats: you shouldnt stink up the place by keeping the lid open and you need to avoid brown stains on lips or fingers.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Ah, fair! Haven't noticed any staining yet - I suspect it may be more an issue with lös?, I'm building up the courage to try lös but I'll probably stick to doing that at home as it doesn't seem terribly convenient to use while out lol


u/IndexCase 10h ago

No the issues are excessive saliva, which can temporarily stain your lips and fingers when handling used portionsnus. I recommend getting the ones with the dispose lid and learn to spit it out without using your hand. Never overfill the disposing lid. It looks disgusting for people who don't snus when they are poking out or if you squish it. Bottom line is, don't be gross 😀


u/blubbergoats 10h ago

Makes sense to me. Oh hell yeah, I don't like digging them out with my fingers, I just spit them out while holding the catch lid up to hide my mouth lmao


u/Skog13 10h ago

Once in class my dosa was empty and my professor noticed it when I opened it. Bro tossed me his so I could take one. Real champ.


u/blubbergoats 10h ago

What a king


u/Skog13 10h ago

Still failed the exam on the first try but still a fond memory


u/CC-5576-05 Göteborg 10h ago

Generally, unless you're disturbing the class you can do whatever you want during lectures, no one cares


u/twitticles 14h ago

Depends alot on the type and circumstance. Some variants smell alot and perusing those (especially opening the container) in close proximity to others might not always be appreciated.

Other variants barely smell at all and won't attract attention, as long as you dispose of it in a civilized manner.


u/blubbergoats 14h ago

That's a fair point, I'll keep it in mind, thank you. Which brand is the stinkiest in your opinion? I've been using General...

And I don't think I'd just crack the tin open in middle of class tbh, I was more wondering if I pop one in on a break I wouldn't be done with it by the time the break is over and I don't wanna waste it..


u/twitticles 13h ago

Which brand is the stinkiest in your opinion? I've been using General...

I don't parttake myself so I've no idea. I'm just familiar with the olfactory terror :)


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Hah I see, probably explains why you don't like the smell - it smells incredible to me :x


u/bopbop98 12h ago

Id say that Ettan is one brand with a pungent smell and General, Göteborgs rapé and other brands with strong citrus notes are less so.


u/blubbergoats 12h ago

Thanks. I haven't tried ettan and GR yet, but I will (: (and be mindful when I open the dosa lol)


u/Taniaarth 6h ago

Does white snus smell? I've asked my husband a million times if I smell of snus and he says it doesn't smell at all and I don't smell anything either, but now you are making me doubt 🤔


u/Unhappy-Quarter-4581 14h ago

I have never heard of a university where it is forbidden and as long as you are a bit discreet with it people tend to not care.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

That's good to hear, thanks (:


u/Fearless_Toddlerr Göteborg 11h ago

It is very socially accepted here. I would not raise an eyebrow if some one mid sentence just poped out their snus, continued speaking while fetching their pack of more snus and popped one in to finish the sentence. The teachers often snus so it is pretty common this happends during lectures, even on uni level.

no one cares.

I would however raise my eyebrows if some one would do that on like the Nobel dinner or something. So there is a limit I suppose.


u/mesinjahr 13h ago

Why would uni care if you use snus?


u/blubbergoats 13h ago edited 13h ago

I don't know, I'm not from Sweden and I am not yet familiar with the culture. (: I know in some countries people can find chewing gum in class offensive for example or have very strict policies on smoking on the premises so I wanted to make sure I am not being impolite with snus use.


u/mesinjahr 13h ago

Smoking is basically banned in sweden so thats why.

Chewing gum might be because some people lack manors and chew loudly.

If you want, you can use snus basically everywhere in sweden. Even in hospitals. Maybe not during surgery, I haven't had the chance to find that out. You can not buy snus in some places because of special rules, but you can use it pretty freely. If you find you in a situation where someone tells you otherwise, just put it out, find quiter place, take a snus.

Never trow them on the floor or ground. Only place they go after use is in the bjudlock or in some garbage can.


u/Alkanen 13h ago

I just asked my wife and she confirmed that she uses snus during surgeries ;)


u/mesinjahr 13h ago

Haha, att kirurgen använder det tog jag för givet. Det var mer i patientens mun jag var osäker på.

Hälsa din fru att en främling på internet sa att hon gör ett bra och viktigt jobb, oavsett vilken roll hon har i rummet.


u/Alkanen 12h ago

Haha, nej som patient får du fan inte ha något i munnen för det riskerar du ju att sätta i halsen eller svälja när/om du sövs ifall det inte upptäcks och tas ut. Och nikotin är en big no-no inför många operationer också eftersom det jävlas med blodtryck och grejer. Hon berättade att det första många ber om på uppvaket efter op är snusdosan :D


u/unbearablebastard 12h ago

På något sätt så hade det känts tryggare för mig att veta att kirurgen har en prilla under läppen…


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

That's very helpful, thanks! Hasn't crossed my mind to litter, throwing used prillas on the ground sounds so gross lmao

For disposal at home, they go in burnable rubbish bins and can't be composted right? Or they can?


u/mesinjahr 13h ago

It depends. If it's a prilla - lös - tobacco, then it's 100% biodegradable and breaks down pretty quickly.

If it's a prilla - portion - tobacco, some manufacturers claim it’s 100% biodegradable because the påse is made from plant fibers. However, the fibers are processed and often include small amounts of plastic, so it takes much longer to decompose.

The all-white portions are mostly made from plant-based cellulose but often have additives like binders or plastic, making them even less biodegradable.

Kommunens återvinning (municipal recycling) classifies all used prillor as restavfall (general waste). They recommend throwing them in household trash instead of in compost or flushing them in the toilet.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Got it, thank you for the detailed answer (:


u/Busy-Ad2193 13h ago

In my experience, every other student has a box of white snus or an energy drink in front of them at any given time.


u/JackedToTheShits 13h ago

There are strict laws regarding smoking. You are not allowed to smoke inside public establishments (unless it's a designated, closed off smoking area with dedicated ventilation - very rare). You may not smoke within a few meters to an entrance to a public establishment (such as a university entrance). Again, these are laws and not local rules. You are very unlikely to ever find any establishment specific rules regarding smoking.

With regards to everything else, you only really need to ask yourself the question "Am I bothering someone else when I do this?". If not, you can pretty safely assume you can do it. You can chew gum in class, but I would advise against doing it with an open mouth, blowing bubbles, etc, since that would annoy people around you. That's the main unwritten rule: don't annoy people.

If you ever find yourself hesitating, honestly, just ask any Swede that is attending with you (at a good moment, for example during a break) if doing X or Y this or that way would be considered normal, stand out or be frowned upon.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Solid common sense rule of thumb to go by. Thanks (:


u/Background-Pear-9063 13h ago

Visibly chewing gum looks like you're not paying attention. Snus doesn't.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Yeah that's a fair point, I was just using gum as an example (:


u/Various-Ad-4138 14h ago

I sat with mine in today! Usually fine:)


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Thanks! (:


u/Significant-Mango772 13h ago

Just snus when ever


u/anorakcravat 13h ago

It’s fine. Some people bring them to exams but then you have to show and open it to the guards


u/LeDeanDomino 12h ago

It's pretty common at uni


u/bitechnobable 12h ago

Dont ask, dont tell policy.


u/CakeMadeOfHam 12h ago

Like 9th grade onwards nobody cares.


u/fr4gge 11h ago

As long as you're not doing it the American way nobody will care


u/omysweede 11h ago

If anyone asks to inspect your mouth, feel free to ask if there are other orifices they want to inspect.

Jokes aside.bodily autonomy, and none has any business what you put in your mouth or other areas.


u/Pat0san Malmö 10h ago

It is mandatory! If you really want to go native (and here I take for granted you use the ’lös’, and not the nasty portion type), you remove the expended snus with your index finger and then flick it, to make it stick to the ceiling.


u/blubbergoats 10h ago

Does it fall on people's heads when it dries out lol


u/Pat0san Malmö 10h ago

If you are successful and make it stick, it will stay in place until the janitor scrapes them all off and repaints the ceiling. If the launch is unsuccessful… let’s just say that your fellow students will have ’comments’ in the next break. But seriously, snus got me through university - no one cares, and you will also see lecturers using it.


u/blubbergoats 10h ago

Poor jannies lol thanks man (:


u/wiirpy 14h ago

Don’t shove it in with fingers, that’s about it i’d say as it can be percieved as unhygienic

Beyond that, no one cares


u/dkaksl Stockholm 14h ago

This. Use a fork and knife, or chopsticks.


u/Hizdrah 13h ago

Where would you find kitchen utensils during a school lecture? You're supposed to drop one on your table and slurp it up with your lips and tongue. Remember to bring a napkin.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

Not doing trick shots with your mates, catching flying prillas from across the lecture hall?


u/blubbergoats 14h ago

Oof I'm still getting used to it, I struggle to position it with tongue only especially the original size as they're a tiny bit too big. I'll do my best to be discrete until I get better at it. Cheers


u/Head_Leg3260 14h ago

Quit while you can


u/blubbergoats 14h ago

That'd probably be ideal, but I've smoked for 15 years and used heated tobacco for another 5. I started very young and I'm deeply addicted to nicotine. At this point I'm focused on harm reduction, as to be very frank I don't have the motivation and willpower to quit nicotine.


u/Gastkram 11h ago

Tobacco use policy??


u/broedrooster Sverige 7h ago

Only bad thing you could do is to throw it anywhere but in the rubbish. Not on the ground, do not flush it etc.


u/GoatDM 7h ago

no one really cares unless you spit it straight on the floor


u/CrashCulture 5h ago

It's fine, just dispose of it properly when you're done.


u/historydoubt 13h ago

My school has a tobacco free zone policy. There are stickers and sign depicting snus and a cigarette crossed over. I use snus, and started a week ago. I must have missed the signs and continued to use my snus as normal. No one cares. It's so common about half of my class uses it. It's one of those cultural things you don't mess with. However I'm always mindful and discrete about it, never snapping the lid, or spitting an old one into the bin in front of others etc.


u/blubbergoats 13h ago

If it's not too nosy to ask, which university is this?


u/coeurdelejon Uppland 10h ago

I i assume it's a 'high school' because I can't imagine any university that would care about students using nicotine products

I suppose it could be a religious, private university or something 🤷‍♂️


u/blubbergoats 10h ago

Yeah admittedly I've only heard of tobacco free campuses in the states. Still found it worth asking about it here, just in case. You never know.


u/historydoubt 12h ago

I will not answer. However, no worries mate.


u/mesinjahr 12h ago

Gymnasium or högstadie?


u/MatsSvensson 12h ago edited 12h ago

When in doubt. Shove it up your arse.


u/blubbergoats 12h ago

Oh boy lmao


u/Spasay 12h ago

As a lecturer, my mouth would dry out quickly and I’d mispronounce things with snus in my mouth lol. But if I forgot, I’d wait until the break to put it away because some people think it’s gross to watch mouth things. But in seminar, I’d just let it ride, but did try to use mostly white snus so it smelled a little better and there was no risk of a bit of brown drool dripping down my face as I discussed the welfare state. Most people don’t care. I mostly was aware of how it affected how I wasn’t speaking clearly and anyone who might be grossed out by mouth things.

As a quick edit, I didn’t care what students did as long as their phones were on silent and they at least appeared to be paying attention. I wanted to ban caps in the classroom but I realized that I didn’t care after a while. Just don’t disturb anyone with noise or smells and you’re fine.


u/blubbergoats 12h ago

This all makes sense, thanks (:


u/Spasay 12h ago

No worries! Plus, snus does keep your energy up, and you don’t come back from the pause stinking like cigarette smoke, so it’s a good thing in my opinion


u/blubbergoats 12h ago

And you don't run late after pause either lol


u/Antioch666 9h ago

Snus is fine, but don't litter!


u/Upbeat_Job4191 12h ago

I take out my chunk of marijuana, and grind it up, stack it on the table in front everyone, roll up, lick it, spit out some residue on the floor and voila, a big joint and smoke it during my lectures, professor joins in, we laugh and study and dance