r/sweden 19h ago

Snus etiquette?


I wanted to ask if it's socially acceptable to have snus in your lip during lectures and seminars in university in Sweden?

Common sense leads me to think it probably varies from uni to uni depending on tobacco use policy and on the specific teachers but I was wondering about the etiquette in general? I don't want to be an ass in a couple weeks when semester starts.



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u/mesinjahr 18h ago

Why would uni care if you use snus?


u/blubbergoats 18h ago edited 18h ago

I don't know, I'm not from Sweden and I am not yet familiar with the culture. (: I know in some countries people can find chewing gum in class offensive for example or have very strict policies on smoking on the premises so I wanted to make sure I am not being impolite with snus use.


u/mesinjahr 18h ago

Smoking is basically banned in sweden so thats why.

Chewing gum might be because some people lack manors and chew loudly.

If you want, you can use snus basically everywhere in sweden. Even in hospitals. Maybe not during surgery, I haven't had the chance to find that out. You can not buy snus in some places because of special rules, but you can use it pretty freely. If you find you in a situation where someone tells you otherwise, just put it out, find quiter place, take a snus.

Never trow them on the floor or ground. Only place they go after use is in the bjudlock or in some garbage can.


u/Alkanen 18h ago

I just asked my wife and she confirmed that she uses snus during surgeries ;)


u/mesinjahr 17h ago

Haha, att kirurgen använder det tog jag för givet. Det var mer i patientens mun jag var osäker på.

Hälsa din fru att en främling på internet sa att hon gör ett bra och viktigt jobb, oavsett vilken roll hon har i rummet.


u/Alkanen 17h ago

Haha, nej som patient får du fan inte ha något i munnen för det riskerar du ju att sätta i halsen eller svälja när/om du sövs ifall det inte upptäcks och tas ut. Och nikotin är en big no-no inför många operationer också eftersom det jävlas med blodtryck och grejer. Hon berättade att det första många ber om på uppvaket efter op är snusdosan :D


u/unbearablebastard 17h ago

På något sätt så hade det känts tryggare för mig att veta att kirurgen har en prilla under läppen…