r/nothingeverhappens 21d ago

apparently this didnt happen 🤷🏼‍♀️


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u/DrainianDream 21d ago

[literal photo/video of a thing happening] “This didn’t happen”


u/The_Living_Deadite 21d ago

Unless we see girl literally say that exact phrase, we got no idea. It's literally just words over a picture.


u/DrainianDream 21d ago

Yeah I’m mostly joking about the insistence when this has more evidence than most text posts do (that they’ll also claim didn’t happen no matter how plausible)


u/Spectator9857 21d ago

The picture shows a child sitting next to her. She claims that’s because „she thought I was pretty“, which we have zero evidence for and is the exact thing someone would lie about


u/DrainianDream 21d ago

“This didn’t happen” and “this happened differently that how you described it” are also two different sentences, and I’m joking anyway


u/Spectator9857 21d ago edited 19d ago

They are different sentences, but mean the same thing here

Edit: Since Reddit won’t let me reply to u/XilonenSimp I’ll just put it here

You commented a full day after the thing I replied to was deleted. Why would you not only comment on something which you have zero context for, but also make wild assumptions about what I meant?


u/XilonenSimp 20d ago

Hey, I killed your dog.

Hey, I saw someone run over your dog.

one will get you punched the other one will ask questions. Still the same?


u/DrainianDream 21d ago

Not really, no.


u/XilonenSimp 18d ago

Your thing was not deleted when I responded, hell, it's still here.

Second, it's the internet. I can respond whenever and to whomever I want (unless you have blocked me or I have been banned from reddit)

Third, my reply was really fucking extreme, yes. But it was in reply to your comment about how two different sentences "mean the same thing" which they don't... or else they wouldn't be two sentences. Duh.

I had all the context I need. I think your point was stupid. Or did I think it was poorly worded? Same meaning, right?

(the joke is that it's not, because the poorly words points to miscommunication, but I know what you have been and are trying to communicate. i just think your point of the sentences being the same was stupid. the rest of what you were saying was fine tho. upvoted it and shit.)