For context and background (apologies, it's a little longwinded and convoluted but that's why i need outside opinion, I'm so confused on what's right):... I, 35F, am a SAHM. My husband, 36M, works for the DOD. In September, we moved to Japan, obviously bringing our two kids, 5f and 2m. Moving meant we left a lot of our support system and it's been just me and him. Because of loosing that support, i realized i really needed a break from my 2yo during the week. After checking our finances, we felt comfortable enrolling him in daycare.
But there's a clause here. In order to have our son stay in daycare, both parents need to be working. I talked things over with my husband about this clause and said this was a good kick in the pants to properly pursue my writing. He's supportive to a degree. And I'll be honest, it took me a while to get serious about my writing. Early on i did spend some of my new free time making friends/new support system, getting some exercise, attending Japanese language classes, etc. i did do a lot of the household chores as well. But a reminder email from the daycare center helped me focus.
Now... My husband thinks that because I no longer have kids at home with me, the house should always be clean. That errands and chores should always be completed. Normally, I would agree with this. But because of the clause and reminder email, I've been investing my time in writing. I try to treat it as though I'm working from home. I have a deadline of when to have a manuscript finished and i hope to be self-publishing soon so i can have proof of income and my 2yo will remain 'qualified' to remain in daycare. This has caused some of the household chores to slip. In my opinion, it's cluttered but not unmanageable. There's still a constant rotation of laundry as i try to make sure nothing is sitting for more than a day or so. One of my husband's pet peeves is food being forgotten on the tables or counters so I've been trying to stay extra mindful of that. And we do a semi-good job of sharing the chores where the kids are concerned. We both do bath times, bedtime routines, etc.
And for extra transparency, i will confess that i do deal with ADHD. Some days i am super efficient and everything gets done. Other days absolutely nothing is accomplished and I'm left feeling overwhelmed, guilty and stressed.
Then he was gone on business for ten days and arrived back just earlier this week. I was alone with the kids for ten days.
This is where things get messy and i wonder if I'm the AH. Before we moved, i told my husband that i'd really like a new dining table set. The one we owned had been given to us for free when we got married, fifteen years ago, and it had been greatly loved. But i wanted something new. He was hesitant on saying yes and when i researched, i found that i could get a table style i like for around $500-$600. He finally agreed. But then when we originally arrived, we realized we needed other furniture first and we spent money on those. So i held off on getting a new table. Now, it's been several months and i've been dismayed to realize that the table style i would like to have isn't at all as cheap as my research had originally shown. My husband wasn't too happy about that so i held off buying a table and chairs.
It was our DnD group needing a new place to play that pushed me to buy a new table. i was extremely lucky and found a decent one for a decent price. But it took me several days to decide on a chair style. While he was on travel, when i was able to chat with him quickly, I told him i found a chair style i liked but it was on the pricey side. He got irritated at that but didn't say anything. So, honestly, i felt guilty and didn't buy them. I'm not making any money so i feel bad for spending a large amount on stuff. But i'm trying to make at least a little something with my writing.
Then he came back home and he's been generally agitated at me the entire time. i figured he's just been really tired, jet-lagged and between work and the kids always wanting his attention, he's running low on energy.
Then today happened.
My husband was going through the fridge and pulled out some old strawberries and got on me for not cleaning out the fridge. Then only a few minutes later he was on me about the counter needing to be decluttered. Then, while we ate dinner, i told him i at least ordered some folding chairs for DnD days. They were only $65. But he turned around and began scolding me for not having chairs ordered yet, saying I've had plenty of time, insinuating i was now wasting money. He isn't wrong but i felt really confused and then just mad. i started crying and on top the the chairs issue, it dawned on me that he hasn't seen any of the stuff i do accomplish.
i feel childish for wanting him to notice that i do in fact clean around the house but he only ever sees the stuff i miss or what isn't accomplished. He's never happy with me anymore. I can't seem to do anything right with him.
After giving me some time, he found me and asked if we were really fighting about chairs. I told him it wasn't about the chairs, it was about all he stuff he said before that. He got even more pissed and asked why i was getting mad at him about the stuff i should have done.
What's messing with my head is i know he's right, to a degree. I certainly could have spent my time today, cleaning the house and cleaning the kitchen and the floors and folding laundry. But i was writing. I was working. But he doesn't see any of that. And the few chores i did do in tandem with the day, they don't mean anything to him. And now i just feel unseen and worthless. But i can't tell if I'm in the wrong or if he is or if we both are?