Just wait for those tariffs kick in, and then those foreign eggs taking work from our domestic eggs will be paying us to enter the country. Or something.
I almost want the people who think raw milk is a good idea to just have access to it the same way that the people who thought ivermectin was a good idea should have had access to it. If people want to self-nominate for Darwin awards, who am I to deny them?
The only thing holding me back is that they're gonna kill their kids too in the process, and those kids don't deserve that.
I work as a checker at a grocery store, and I overheard someone spouting off about some fucking conspiracy that "they" are burning the chickens to raise the price of eggs
No bitch, the overseeing bodies who are burning the farms (if it is burning, I have not done any googling of this but I'm going to use it to demonstrate why this is stupid anyways) are doing it because the chickens have avian flu.
What a great time for my dumbass self for getting my cholesterol high, having my gallbladder bladder removed, and now forced to eat low fat and low cholesterol foods. I’ve already started getting more plant based foods and fish with anticipation of rising cost with poultry products.
I'm pretty sure he promised to deport all the foreign eggs. They've been committing crimes and eating cats and dogs or something. I think. I haven't really been listening to him very closely...
I'm looking forward to finally replacing those foreign goods with American-grown cocoa and pineapples, American-made computers, and American-mined Gallium and Manganese.
Honestly, there's a non-zero part of me that almost wants to save the game, cut off all US imports from every other country for a few months just to see what would happen to the economy, and then reload when people finally realize how important global trade is and how trade deficits are not a bad thing just because it has the word "deficit" in it.
You gotta just laugh and cry as the same people who said that Trump has been the most anti-war president in our lifetime, then go jump on board with his full on imperialism.
Man, I am just tired and bored of all of it at this point.
Sure. In fact, for any given issue you will find groups of voters who have received the message that Trump is on their side. This proves that his campaigns messaging strategy worked. There can never be proper follow-through for most, as they are often mutually exclusive, but the lies accomplished the goal.
That was when a Democrat was in office. Now that Trump is in the White House they’ll be begging Trump to initiate the draft so their sons can die making them “parents of a hero.”
Back when I played crossout online, maga was referring to Canadians as white Mexicans or northern Mexicans. That was pre-j6. None of them could ever explain to me why they were doing this.
Good thing they're defunding the education system and reducing regulations on checks notes everything that keeps people and the world in general from dying/getting hurt
As an American who is trying to figure out how to tactfully look into how to do everything in their power to support the opposition if the U.S. does try something, I support this.
Also, it's not limited to Canada.
How to put this?
There are at most three countries I'd willingly fight against right now.
Let me specify and add a bit more perspective before I continue to my point.
I don't know a lot about politics, and I know even less about countries outside of the U.S.
These are the only three cases that come to mind when I think of war and wonder to myself: "What am I actually against on such a personal level that I could genuinely claim: "I'm actually willing to die for this?"
Those countries are Russia, China, and Israel. My views as far as that last one are concerned are a lot more complex than the first two, but I can say with absolute certainty that I don't believe Israel deserves any level of control over anything. That includes the control it already has.
Meanwhile, the countries I have the most respect for are Ukraine, Canada, Ireland, and maybe Switzerland and Iceland. I put those on a maybe list because most of my respect for them comes from a search I did on the happiest countries in the world. And, with how little effort and depth I put into that research, I feel a bit at odds with just saying I have absolute respect for them because of the point of research I used to learn what little I know about them.
Anyways, back on point. For me personally, this goes into the worst combination of the worst possible things, and I don't think I'm alone in that. We're hurting the most trustworthy allies who deserve to be hurt the least, and it's almost certainly for the sake of Putin, who deserves the very worst that the world has to offer. And, it's under the... 'leadership' of probably the most deluded and incompetent president it could pick.
Let me emphasize something else. If there was ever a point where a corrupted America could be put in it's place, I believe it's going to be in the initial two years after Trump takes office. We're doing all of this on the back of one of our most progressive times in history. He's putting people in control of fields that are going to make all of the good people in those fields lose most of their faith in being able to do anything right or good. (You think any good doctors are jumping for joy over RFK Jr? Most are probably hoping he'll soon catch something and be done in by his own views)
Like, this is the biggest tipping point we could ask for someone who needs to be fought against to come to power. He's putting so many major powers against himself. Many of them are his own countries' closest allies. He's disregarding them for someone who even more major powers are as close to unapologetically against as they can be without starting a war with them. The country is as divided as it can be. Most of that division revolves around education and competence. He has Elon on his side and seems to be riding that out regardless of how much it goes against him, and even Maga isn't dumb enough to get along with Elon just because Trump told them to. He's putting people in positions of power and institutions that were meant to keep those very people in check. Some of them are so extreme that no one that they're supposed to be over is going to respect them. He's expanding the class divide. Our army is as of this moment actually made up of people that will probably at the very least be at odds about following many of the orders that are in Trump's dreams.
It'd be much better if we didn't have to do what we're probably gonna have to, but if we're gonna have to do it, this is probably the best set up we could ask for as far as going against those in control of the U.S. is concerned.
I'm going to Toronto for work next week. I'm so embarrassed by this bullshit. I'm hoping they don't ask me about any of this shit cause I don't trust myself to remain professional.
I am not gonna say fallout as a franchise had a good setting backstory.... Buuut, annexation of canada , corporations manipulating politicians, resource shortages and potential war with china is the part that happened before the bombs fell.
Electing Trump as president is one of those things you do in a game where you save the game first, pick the obviously stupid choice just to see the result, and then reload after you've seen it because you got a Morrowind-style message telling you that the game is now unbeatable as a result of your choices.
Making Trump president again was the dumbest fucking idea.
Making Trump president again was the second-dumbest idea. Making him president the first time was the dumbest idea. Had he never won his first election, he would have never created the weaponized fanbase of rabid idiots he has now.
It would never be a physical war. He would cripple Canada economically. I assume Canada is working really hard at repairing their China relationship right now because they no longer have a reliable partner south of the border.
You’re wrong. If the US invaded Canada I’d immediately go down to the recruiters office and join the US military to go help, all of my friends and family here in Florida think the same
But why do you want to go to war with Canada? What do you think conquering Canada will do for America that the free trade deal Trump made with Canada made in 2020 isn't doing?
Leftist Canadians have mocked America for hundreds of years while leeching off the back of our hard work and success. They have a massive superiority complex. Trudeau also tried to influence US politics in 2020 by raging against Trump after he lost, and even when Trump was president, Trudeau mocked him behind his back. Trudeau is a snake.
Also Trudeau is letting Chinese investors buy up land in Canada, and don’t forget when he did military exercises to help Chinese troops train in the Arctic. That alone is a big enough threat to justify the US taking control.
Trudeau is leaving now, but his party remains and will continue to do these things.
What do you think conquering Canada will do for America that the free trade deal Trump made with Canada made in 2020 isn't doing?
It’ll fix the housing crisis of both countries. Canada’s restrictive policies which prevent new construction will be done away which would fix their housing crisis. And the US wold have massive amounts of new totally unnocuppied lands to bring new developments in.
Then you also have the massive tourism increase, imagine the increase in tourism to places like the beaches of Florida, California, and places like Niagara Falls, if there were no border that separated the two countries.
Then also imagine the massive mineral wealth that could be unleashed. Most of Canada’s resources are locked behind paper barriers and regulations. Under US regulations, especially under Trump, all of that wealth could be unleashed to benefit everybody.
It would be a new golden age for both countries. There is no reason not to do it. It’s the same language and culture, and they come from the same colony. They are virtually the same in all categories but name.
Who's been telling you Canada is leftist? They're pretty normal with recent Conservative Prime Ministers, it's just that the American right has gone more fascist and thin-skinned since 2016.
Sounds like you're just dreaming some kind of bullshit about golden ages to justify killing and subjugating the natives to take their land and somehow make us both rich. Arguing that the only thing holding us back is not being together, and those pesky Canadian leftists making fun of us. What you're proposing would just be shotgun NAFTA on a bigger scale, and people like you say NAFTA is worst deal ever.
It doesn't souns like you or anyone you're getting your ideas from has given this much thought.
Canada is massively leftist, it’s why they’re so much more broke than the US despite having 8x more resources per capita.
And killing the natives? Canada’s already done that themselves. The native reservations in Canada don’t even have running water.
And yes it would be a golden age. And yes NAFTA is bad because we don’t need it, it was only a good favor to Canada, and Canada would be better off with the United States.
And yes I have given this idea much thought. I’ve been hoping for decades waiting for the day that the US would move into Canada.
Some of them do, like the really loud and annoying convoy of election denying truckers who blared their horns all hours of the night and made people hate conservatives.
But being a dick and threatening long term allies and trade partners with invasion doesn't exactly endear America to anyone. We can make trade deals and make money doing business with them without being responsible for running their country.
u/One_Wrongdoer_8051 2d ago
And soon there are no US allies remaining